[vtk-developers] vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Apr 15 23:43:57 EDT 2002

>>>>> "JVM" == James V Miller <millerjv at crd.ge.com> writes:

    JVM> Should these classes uses a consistent naming convention?
    JVM> i.e. where should "vtk/VTK" be in the name and where should
    JVM> the GUI name be "Gtk/wx/Tk/Qt"?

I think we went with the style that is most natural to that particular
toolkit.  All wx widgets start with the form wxNoteBook or whatever so
wxVTKRenderWindow would be natural to someone using wxPython.
Similarly for the Qt and GTK widgets.  I'm not sure of the Tkinter has
such a naming convention.  However, that was the general idea behind
the names.  It does violate the standard VTK naming convention which
might have meant using vtkWXRenderWindow or something like that which
does not really gel with the other widgets of that toolkit.  Maybe we
should discus this some more?


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