[vtk-developers] Rudimentary testing of vtkpython [long].

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Sep 21 13:05:02 EDT 2001


Glad to note that more of you like the sound of this.

>>>>> "DJB" == Daniel J Blezek <Blezek> writes:

    DJB> Prabhu, I think this is a great way to go!  Since VTK 4.0 has
    DJB> broken most if not all ties with 3.2, you should go ahead and
    DJB> add the code in.  Since Jim Miller and I have started doing
    DJB> much of our work in Python, I've been very impressed with the
    DJB> language, and would like to see vtk's Python support
    DJB> enhanced.  I also put forth the suggestion that we use

Always nice to see more Python'ers. :)

    DJB> "import vtk" rather than "vtkpython".  It's very trivial to
    DJB> support backward's compatability with "vtkpython", I just
    DJB> need consensus to make the changes.  If you are willing, I

Sure, so long as vtkpython will work - go right ahead.  One thing
please don't throw in a "Using vtkpython is obsolete" message when
someone uses vtkpython.

    DJB> would also ask you to add the vtkPipeline browser stuff more
    DJB> available.  Perhaps Kitware would host some sort of VTK
    DJB> "Add-on's" from their site, rather than having to search all
    DJB> over creation to collect useful code.

Actually, the vtkPipeline stuff is mentioned at Sebastiens site.  In
fact almost any important VTK code out there is mentioned at there. :)

    DJB>   Frankly, I think this sort of testing is long overdue, and
    DJB> will likely catch many "lazy" developer errors.  I know that
    DJB> Bill Lorensen has a Tcl script that calls Update() on each
    DJB> filter with no input set, and the results are quite
    DJB> disappointing.  These bugs can be very hard to track down
    DJB> when the code crashes on you immediately.

I will work on making a quick and dirty version ready for now and mail
it here.  I'll let you folks play with it for a while.  Next weekend,
I will spend more time on it after I get some feedback from you.  Once
we are clear of how it should fit in with the current tree and test
suites I can commit it to CVS etc.

Thanks for all the feedback.


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