[vtk-developers] 2D Clipping Planes

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Fri Feb 16 09:31:40 EST 2001

>Another possibility is vtkImageActor which uses texture mapping which we 
>have found in many cases to be much faster than the drawpixels call. It 
>has some good and bad points but it might be a cleaner way to display 
>clipped images than the sub-regions you are discussing above.

The problem is that I need to display some map data which is Huge and I've 
never owned a graphics card that'll do textures larger than 1024x1024. 
Simply not good enough unfortunately. Is there a way around this?

A second problem is that I've created a specialized 2D window which has a 
2D coordinate space for displaying contour maps (and other data) over 
images. To go back to a 3D "textured plane" in my 2D space would be a pain 
(actually, easy to implement, but not what I want from a purists point of 
view). I really want a decent image display. Windows' StretchBlt is 
perfect, but I wanted to keep it cross platform!


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