Moving VTK CVS

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at
Mon May 22 15:11:02 EDT 2000

I have a perl script that works on windows and unix assuming
that perl is installed on both.  The script is attached.

To run the script you do this:

perl /path/to/vtk


At 10:07 AM 5/22/00 -0400, Ken Martin wrote:
>We are moving the VTK CVS repository from to today. So please do not check in any changes until I send out another email. To help with your existing checkouts Bill Lorensen will send out a UNIX script to move your CVS repository to the new location. At one point we had a PC version as well but I'm not sure where it is.
>- Thanks
>- Ken
-------------- next part --------------

use File::Find;
use File::Copy;

$current_root = "\@vtk\.scorec\.rpi\.edu:/vtk/cvsroot";
$new_root = "\@www\.visualizationtoolkit\.org:/vtk/cvsroot";

sub usage {
    # Print out the usage message
    print STDERR qq'

usage: $prog directory
  where directory is a VTK source tree checkout
    exit 1;

&usage("No directory given") unless ($directory = shift);

$directory =~ s/\/+$//;

find(\&file_process,$directory );

sub file_process
    local ($full_path) = $File::Find::name;

    if ( /Root$/  )
# make sure it is a Root or Repository in a CVS	directory
	if( $full_path =~ /CVS/)

sub make_change
    local ($path) = $_;
    chmod 0644, $path;
    print "change $File::Find::name \n";
    copy($path, $path . '.bak');
    open(ROOTFILE, ">$path");
    open(ORIGFILE, $path . '.bak');

	print $_;
	print $current_root . " " . $new_root . "\n";
	print ROOTFILE;
    unlink($path . '.bak');

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