[Viame] VIAME build error
Matt Dawkins
matt.dawkins at kitware.com
Wed Aug 31 16:35:32 EDT 2016
In hopes of keeping the repository small, and only pulling down
dependencies which are required, VIAME only downloads and builds
dependencies based on which enable flags are set (e.g. VIAME_ENABLE_OPENCV,
VXL, CAFFE, SCALLOP_TK, [future modules here], etc...).
To that end, it currently requires an internet connection the first time
you build it or change enable flags to something that was never enabled
before, though for Randy I'd envision us also putting up a tarbell/zip
online that contains the source code for all possible dependencies (as well
as Viame) in case the user wants to download the package once, then work
offline. This could be done for periodic releases, though we'll have to
discuss a little bit more first and check if that's the best solution
longer term (short term for today, we'll post the standalone code package
online with a link; note it is ~220mb with everything included, or 50mb for
the core package with few of the enable options set).
This will get a little bit more complicated down the line when you are
talking about optional algorithm repositories (e.g.
ENABLE_detector_1_from_group_a) which can contain model files that often
large, think CNN classifiers which can be 100mb+ each, though they could be
supplied separately in another tarbell. Also, looking a little further down
the road here, we can probably provide compiled binaries as well (and
automate their creation online), in case the user simply wants to link to
the entire library or run something in it.
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Benjamin Richards - NOAA Federal <
benjamin.richards at noaa.gov> wrote:
> from Randy Cutter (george.cutter at noaa.gov)
> I cloned VIAME repository using git.
> Updated submodules using git.
> Used CMake to create Visual Studio solution.
> But when I tried to build the VS solution/projects, it seeks to download
> various dependency sources. However, on my build machine is not connected
> to the internet and cannot access them, therefore I get errors.
> Is it possible to convince git, CMake or some other process to download
> the necessary dependency sources; perhaps CMake can include them in the VS
> solution?
> ~ben
> <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
> *Benjamin L. Richards, PhD*
> *Research Fishery Biologist*
> *Lead Survey Scientist*
> *Stock Assessment Program*
> *Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center*
> *NOAA, Inouye Regional Center*
> *1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg. #176*
> *Honolulu, HI 96818*
> *phone: 808-725-5320 <808-725-5320>*
> *cell: 808-782-1734 <808-782-1734>*
> http://www.pifsc.noaa.gov/fbsab/
> benjamin.richards at noaa.gov
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> "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what
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> of the United States.
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Matthew Dawkins
Senior R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc
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