[Viame] FW: Announcing the early availability of the VIAME toolkit

Anthony Hoogs anthony.hoogs at kitware.com
Tue Aug 30 18:41:15 EDT 2016

Hackathon attendees, see info on the hackathon preparation teleconference tomorrow. Please attend if you can, and note the action at the end to provide a quad chart describing your hackathon goals. Thanks,




From: Benjamin Richards - NOAA Federal [mailto:benjamin.richards at noaa.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 5:48 PM
To: Anthony Hoogs
Cc: Elizabeth Clarke; George Cutter; Kresimir Williams; Scott Gallager; Deborah Hart; Lakshman Prasad; Michael Piacentino; Bill Michaels; Charles H. Thompson; Duane Edgington; Alexandra Branzan Albu; David Kriegman; Clay Kunz; keith.fieldhouse at kitware.com; Linus Sherrill; matt.dawkins at kitware.com
Subject: Re: [Viame] Announcing the early availability of the VIAME toolkit


Thanks Anthony -


As a reminder, we have setup a WebEx portal for this tcon.  The meeting information is as follows:


Meeting number: 998 625 492
Meeting password:noaa
Meeting link: https://noaa-meets.webex.com/noaa-meets/j.php?MTID=mac5fe56b34afe601508a749f7f924388

Audio connection:
Call-in: 1-866-764-5737 
Participants code: 880411




<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><


Benjamin L. Richards, PhD

Research Fishery Biologist

Lead Survey Scientist

Stock Assessment Program

Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center

NOAA, Inouye Regional Center

1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg. #176

Honolulu, HI  96818


phone: 808-725-5320

cell: 808-782-1734



benjamin.richards at noaa.gov


Recent publications <https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=xmyAgRUAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F4z6htTWaEXxrN_uXApYDvfdiOjkE0ovQVMaKGA2ImV5gDO5NuqvSE5qX6hPoTNmo9fNokDwgO_UUjqJ-2t964NGxgOuVH2BkY6c1-vxA72Wxpvfeo> 


"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought."  

                                                                - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -


The views expressed in this message are my own and do not necessarily reflect any position of NOAA, the Department of Commerce, or the government of the United States.


On Aug 30, 2016, at 6:43 AM, Anthony Hoogs <anthony.hoogs at kitware.com> wrote:


The VIAME toolkit was officially released yesterday, per the email below sent to the VIAME mailing list. Currently this list includes the hackathon attendees, so most of you should have received the announcement directly. If you’d like to join the list, please send me an email.


We’ll present an overview of the VIAME software and how to install it in the teleconference tomorrow.




From: Viame [ <mailto:viame-bounces at public.kitware.com> mailto:viame-bounces at public.kitware.com] On Behalf Of Linus Sherrill
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 10:56 PM
To:  <mailto:viame at public.kitware.com> viame at public.kitware.com
Subject: [Viame] Announcing the early availability of the VIAME toolkit


VIAME is a processing framework designed to integrate image and

video processing algorithms in a flexible processing framework. The core

infrastructure connecting different system components is currently

supplied by the KWIVER library by the Vital algorithm framework and the

sprokit pipeline framework.


VIAME is an SDK intended to be an integration platform for assembling analytical tools

composed of modules from a wide variety of sources. Using the sprokit data flow 

approach, data sources, image processing, detectors, and analyzers can be easily

integrated from different organizations.


Algorithms and processes can be developed independently as stand-alone modules

(libraries) that are discovered and loaded at run time. This dynamic approach

reduces coupling between customer code bases and facilitates easy sharing of these

modules without requiring each user to rebuild them from the original source.


Getting the software


VIAME itself can be built either as a super-build, which builds all of

its dependencies alongside itself, or standalone. By default it is a superbuild

so all major dependencies are built into the VIAME project. To build ViAME:


git clone  <https://github.com/Kitware/VIAME.git> https://github.com/Kitware/VIAME.git


The build instructions can be found in the documentation directory: VIAME/doc/install_guide.rst


There are currently several cmake options to VIAME, such as


"VIAME_ENABLE_CAFFE" to turn on support for different components. It is generally a good 

idea to enable most all of these options to assure that all KIWVER based components are available.

If a package based option is not enabled, then the functionality that depends on that package will

not be available from KWIVER or for your project.


The options can be set on the cmake command line or interactively selected

using the ccmake program.


Using the VIAME toolkit


The VIAME toolkit provides an environment to support data processing algorithms such

as image filters and detectors. There is a introductory tutorial on how to create 

an object detector in the file "VIAME/doc/detector-introduction.rst". This tutorial 

steps through creating a basic detector algorithm and then wraps that detector in

a sprokit process.


With the VIAME toolkit, you should be able to wrap existing image processing and 

detection algorithms so they can be easily assembled and reconfigured to solve existing

and new image based problems.


In addition to the tutorial, there is a wrapped SCALLOP-TK detector to serve as an example 

of how an external package are added to VIAME and how they can be wrapped. This 

also serves as an example for how inputs and outputs are converted.


The current VIAME toolkit contains some basic support for running Matlab code as a detector and

image filter. Matlab support will evolve to meet the needs of the community.


In anticipation of the pre-hackathon teleconference to be held on Wednesday at 1PM EDT, we'd like participating organizations to prepare a single slide outlining their technology, their goals for the hackathon and other useful information as outlined in the following PowerPoint template: 


 <http://www.viametoolkit.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/VIAME_Hackathon_Quad_Template.pptx> http://www.viametoolkit.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/VIAME_Hackathon_Quad_Template.pptx


To facilitate the meeting, please provide us your slide by noon on Wednesday so that we can aggregate them and make them available for the meeting.



Linus Sherrill - Staff R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
E:  <mailto:linus.sherrill at kitware.com> linus.sherrill at kitware.com
P: 518.881.4400


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