[Ves] ves build error under ubuntu 64bit

yaojialiang yao2049 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 04:17:04 EST 2014

hello everyone:
     i have trouble to build VES under ubuntu 64bit everytime when it 
comes to build vtk-android, using android_ndk_r9c_x86_64. Err: Could not 
find any working toolchain in the NDK. Probably your Android NDK is broken.
Then i cut down everything, clone and build again,this time the error is 
this: CMake Error at path/to/eigen/download-eigen.cmake:9 (file):
   file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch

     for file: [/path/to/downloads/eigen-3.1.2.tar.gz]
       expected hash: [bb639388192cb80f1ee797f5dbdbe74f]
         actual hash: [76c7cfdaa2320fffdbc873d3657234fe]
any one can help me ? thanks

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