[Ves] example needed for ios

Sebastien Calvi sebastien.calvi at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 10 12:35:09 EDT 2013

Hello All,

I've followed the late development about the building issues and it is great that one can build VES  on iOS...

I have tried to play with the two examples for iOS which are:
- kiwisimple
- kiwiviewer

Kiwiviewer does not build properly, two frameworks are missing, dropBox and pcl.
kiwisimple works.

I'm used to work with vtk on Linux platform and I totalyl understand the pipe-line concept from vtk.
My question is:
- will it be possible to have a very simple example for VES using xcode (iOS then) that will use a simple data-reader with a filter of any kind plus mapper actor all of that connected to a renderer with windowRenderer, as it is well explaoined and shown in vtk examples?

Or maybe this "example" already exists in the VES source that get from git and in this case, well, just let me know where I could find it because I hav not seen it yet :(

After having spent a few days to build VES it's time to start coding! :)

Thanks by advance,

Sebastien Calvi.
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