[Ves] build VES_USE_PCL tutorial

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Mon Sep 2 15:50:08 EDT 2013

Hi Vuthy,

> I am looking at the PCL framework (http://packages.kitware.com/packages/application/view?applicationId=14). Is Kinfu, developed in the PCL OSX environment, adaptable to the PCL iOS framework?

This question is probably better asked on the PCL mailing list, but my understanding is that kinfu is implemented using CUDA, which is not available on iOS devices. That would prevent its use on iOS.


> On 2013-08-29, at 6:24 PM, David Thompson <david.thompson at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Hi Vuthy,
>>> Thank you very much for your help.
>> Please "Reply All" so that others can benefit from the discussion and chime in if I don't have the answers.
>>> I would like to build a kinfu application on iOS. Do you have any examples?
>> I don't, but someone else on the list may have more to add.
>>> Does the pcl-superbuild support openCL functionalities?
>> As I understand it, iOS does not support OpenCL:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3258257/are-either-the-ipad-or-iphone-capable-of-opencl
>> 	David

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