[Ves] Errors when building the kiwi viewer for iOS

Ainhoa Gracia agracia at sqs.es
Thu Nov 28 06:12:39 EST 2013

Hi Aashish, dear all


We are using xcode 5.0.1 version and the master branch of VES.


Thank you very much





De: Aashish Chaudhary [mailto:aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com] 
Enviado el: jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013 3:41
Para: Ainhoa Gracia
CC: ves at public.kitware.com; Borja Rodríguez; Urko Acosta; Izaskun de la
Asunto: Re: [Ves] Errors when building the kiwi viewer for iOS




I will look into this issue and try to come up with a solution. We have had
lib-archive issue. Thanks for reporting this. 


What version of Xcode you are using? xcode5.* is the latest. Also, what
branch of VES? I am assuming master. 



- Aashish


On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Ainhoa Gracia <agracia at sqs.es> wrote:

Dear all


As I have said in previous e-mails we are working nowadays in the build of
the kiwi project for Android platforms. We have received your support and we
expect to solve the problems found soon, so thank you very much for that.


On the other hand, we have also tried to build the viewer in the iOS
environment and my colleagues have reported to me some problems they have
had. Please, do you mind to help us to fix them?. You can find below the
problem described.


Thank you very much in advance!!! 




Once we have downloaded VES, we can´t generate kiwi and vtk frameworks. We
have executed the following steps:

First, we execute in a terminal the Build Instructions from “README.txt”
file. After execution of “Step 3” ($ make -j4) there are the following

fatal: corrupt patch at line 35
make[2]: ***
[CMakeExternals/Stamp/libarchive-download/libarchive-download-patch] Error
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/libarchive-download.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

After that, the “Step 4” looks like it doesn´t work. Also we can see that
some folders, like “VES/Apps/iOS/frameworks/“, have not been created. And it
looks like “makeFramework.sh” has never been executed.

Finally, after finishing the Building Instructions, we open Kiwi project
into Xcode7. And Xcode can´t find vkt.framework and kiwi.framework as
expected. Also, we have this error: "Eigen/Dense”file is not found.

So, we don’t really know where is our problem and how to fix it.


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| Aashish Chaudhary 
| R&D Engineer         
| Kitware Inc.            
| www.kitware.com    

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