[Ves] Possible Bug in vesactor::computebounds

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Tue Jun 25 17:54:41 EDT 2013

Hi Carlos,

This is indeed a bug. Thanks for catching this. If you add a mapper to
multiple actors then I guess the right thing would be is to mark the
actor's bound dirty and then use this information to decide whether or not
we need to recompute the bounds.

I will push a branch today to fix this issue. Thanks for reporting this.

- Aashish

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Carlos <ves at calculoandamios.com> wrote:

> Hi,****
> ** **
> I think there is a bug in ****
> ** **
> void vesActor::computeBounds()****
> {****
>   assert(this->m_mapper);****
> ** **
>   if (this->m_mapper && this->m_mapper->boundsDirty()) {****
>     this->m_mapper->computeBounds();****
> ** **
>     vesVector3f min = transformPoint3f(this->matrix(), this
> ->m_mapper->boundsMinimum());****
>     vesVector3f max = transformPoint3f(this->matrix(), this
> ->m_mapper->boundsMaximum());****
> ** **
>     this->setBounds(min, max);****
> ** **
>     // Since now we have new internal bounds, we would have to****
>     // calculate whole bounds for this actor once again.****
>     this->setBoundsDirty(true);****
>     this->setBoundsDirty(false);****
>     this->setParentBoundsDirty(true);****
>   }****
>   else if (!this->m_mapper && this->boundsDirty()) {****
>     this->resetBounds();****
>   }****
> }****
> ** **
> I have included an additional checking  just in order that this->_mapper
> is true but the bounds are ”not dirty”.If I use the same mapper for
> different actors, the mapper becomes “not dirty” and the bounds of the
> scene are not properly calculated. In this case the resetview does not fit
> the whole scene. At least this works for me.****
> ** **
> void vesActor::computeBounds()****
> {****
>   assert(this->m_mapper);****
> ** **
>   if (this->m_mapper && this->m_mapper->boundsDirty()) {****
>     this->m_mapper->computeBounds();****
> ** **
>     vesVector3f min = transformPoint3f(this->matrix(), this
> ->m_mapper->boundsMinimum());****
>     vesVector3f max = transformPoint3f(this->matrix(), this
> ->m_mapper->boundsMaximum());****
> ** **
>     this->setBounds(min, max);****
> ** **
>     // Since now we have new internal bounds, we would have to****
>     // calculate whole bounds for this actor once again.****
>     this->setBoundsDirty(true);****
>     this->setBoundsDirty(false);****
>     this->setParentBoundsDirty(true);****
>   }****
>   else if (!this->m_mapper && this->boundsDirty()) {****
>     this->resetBounds();****
>   }else ****
> {****
>        this->m_mapper->computeBounds();****
> ** **
>     vesVector3f min = transformPoint3f(this->matrix(),
> this->m_mapper->boundsMinimum());****
>     vesVector3f max = transformPoint3f(this->matrix(),
> this->m_mapper->boundsMaximum());****
> ** **
>     this->setBounds(min, max);****
> }****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> }****
> ** **
> ** **
> ****
> ** **
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| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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