[Ves] Running Kiwi

Pat Marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Tue Jun 18 11:50:42 EDT 2013

Could you try running one of the GLES2 sample apps that are shipped with
the Android NDK?  It would be good to determine whether the issue is with
your device or emulator, or with KiwiViewer itself.  The error message that
I see says "egl.cfg not found, using default config" and also "api does not
have setPreserveEGLContextOnPause()" which makes me guess that you might be
running on a version of Android that doesn't have ES2 support?


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:42 AM, marco <piccima at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to run Kiwiviewer, if I try from eclipse the application
> doesn't start:
> maybe I miss something to install...... I'm new with android sdk
> picci
> this is the log:
> 06-18 11:36:32.163: I/KiwiViewer(354): api does not have
> setPreserveEGLContextOnPause()
> 06-18 11:36:32.353: D/libEGL(354): egl.cfg not found, using default config
> 06-18 11:36:32.353: D/libEGL(354): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_**
> android.so
> 06-18 11:36:32.363: W/dalvikvm(354): threadid=9: thread exiting with
> uncaught exception (group=0x40015560)
> 06-18 11:36:32.413: E/AndroidRuntime(354): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 10
> 06-18 11:36:32.413: E/AndroidRuntime(354): java.lang.**IllegalArgumentException:
> No configs match configSpec
> 06-18 11:36:32.413: E/AndroidRuntime(354):     at com.kitware.KiwiViewer.*
> *KiwiGLSurfaceView$**ConfigChooser.chooseConfig(**
> KiwiGLSurfaceView.java:471)
> 06-18 11:36:32.413: E/AndroidRuntime(354):     at
> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$**EglHelper.start(GLSurfaceView.**java:919)
> 06-18 11:36:32.413: E/AndroidRuntime(354):     at
> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$**GLThread.guardedRun(**
> GLSurfaceView.java:1264)
> 06-18 11:36:32.413: E/AndroidRuntime(354):     at
> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$**GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.**java:1118)
> 06-18 11:37:59.873: I/KiwiViewer(396): api does not have
> setPreserveEGLContextOnPause()
> 06-18 11:38:00.063: D/libEGL(396): egl.cfg not found, using default config
> 06-18 11:38:00.063: D/libEGL(396): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_**
> android.so
> 06-18 11:38:00.073: W/dalvikvm(396): threadid=9: thread exiting with
> uncaught exception (group=0x40015560)
> 06-18 11:38:00.113: E/AndroidRuntime(396): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 10
> 06-18 11:38:00.113: E/AndroidRuntime(396): java.lang.**IllegalArgumentException:
> No configs match configSpec
> 06-18 11:38:00.113: E/AndroidRuntime(396):     at com.kitware.KiwiViewer.*
> *KiwiGLSurfaceView$**ConfigChooser.chooseConfig(**
> KiwiGLSurfaceView.java:471)
> 06-18 11:38:00.113: E/AndroidRuntime(396):     at
> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$**EglHelper.start(GLSurfaceView.**java:919)
> 06-18 11:38:00.113: E/AndroidRuntime(396):     at
> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$**GLThread.guardedRun(**
> GLSurfaceView.java:1264)
> 06-18 11:38:00.113: E/AndroidRuntime(396):     at
> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$**GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.**java:1118)
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