[Ves] VES on the Raspberry Pi

John Donovan mersey.viking at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 16:09:54 EDT 2013

Having just watched the webinar on ITK and VTK on the Pi, I thought I
would have a go at compiling VES on my Pi under the latest Raspbian
using the Superbuild. It compiled fine, but I'm having problems
running the examples.

the video says that VES bypasses X completely which is great, but if I
run TestKiwiViewer from the terminal (directly from the Pi, not via
SSH), I get:
freeglut (./TestKiwiViewer): failed to open display ''

Running from within X gives me:
freeglut (./TestKiwiViewer): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0'

When I was compiling VES it couldn't find GLUT, so I apt-installed
freeglut3-dev, which I presume is the right dependency. Also I'm using
the version of cmake from the repo - 2.8.9 rather than the very latest
one as suggested in the ITK on the Raspberry Pi video.

Is there a step I have missed?


One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly
making exciting discoveries. - AA Milne

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