[Ves] Sample VES Application in iOS

SHAMSUDHEEN TK shamsutk87 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 12:27:38 EST 2013

I'm really newbie with *VTK* and *VES*.

I have successfully built the *VES* and have run the *Kiwi* example ( which
is too complex and only used to read data) in my simulator.

Now I want to draw a simple line using *VES*, same as this *VTK
(I have done the
*Xcode* configuration settings to build *VES*).

I know that the above *VTK* application will not compile on *iOS* because a
lot of *VTK* code is based on the *OpenGL* rendering API which is not
available on handhelds.

I understood that *VES* provides a rendering engine (based on *OpenGL ES*)
which is totally different as the one implied in *VTK*.

I'm unable to find some *VTK* equivalent classes in *VES*, example like *

So could anyone recommend me a simple guide to draw a line using *VES* ? or
any reference links.

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