[Ves] Rotating 3D Model On a Single Axis Alone

shamsudheen shamsutk87 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 18:47:58 EST 2013

Hi All,

Im using vesKiwiViewerApp in my iOS application.

In my code, Im trying to rotate my 3D model manually using the below code

              vesVector4f rot ;
       	rot[0] = 1;
	rot[0] = 0;
	rot[0] = 0;       
        rot[3] = 90 * (M_PI/180.0);

        vesKiwiPolyDataRepresentation* polyDataRepresentation =  self->renderer.app->getKiwiPolyDataRepresentation(0);
        vesSharedPtr<vesActor> vesActor = polyDataRepresentation->actor();
        vesVector3f center = vesActor->center();

       [self scheduleRender];

This would rotate my model on a particular direction.However when I change the axis ,the old rotated position is lost . Example code is given  below 

       	rot[0] = 0;
	rot[0] = 1;
	rot[0] = 0;       
        rot[3] = 90 * (M_PI/180.0);

I cannot find any methods which I can use to rotate the object on a single axis alone like vesActor->rotateX(90); or vesActor->rotateY(90) or vesActor->rotateZ(90)

Are there any similar methods available in VES/Kiwi ?

 Any help on this is appreciated

Thanks .

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