[Ves] subject: about build kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS

Laurent Paul laurent.paul at uclouvain.be
Tue Apr 2 09:18:30 EDT 2013

Dear Developpers,

I've foudn out how to attach the sample data.
So, to avoid future questions:
I've added the files to the xcode project. In the "project navigator", 
develop the project "KiwiViewer", display the content of the directory 
"KiwiViewer", there's a directory called "resources", and again inside, 
there's "datasets". Right click "Add files..." and give th sample datasets.

I've uncommented the content of unpackSampleData, and built the project. 
That's it.


Le 29/03/2013 13:43, Laurent Paul a écrit :
> Dear Pat, dear Deng,
> Where do I have to paste the sample data? Or where can I say to xcode 
> where he can find these?
> I have pasted them almost everywhere :-) ... with no success.
> Once commented out, the simulator is working fine. I've downloaded a 
> 3D file from an URL, and everything is perfect! Cool!
> In the same way, where is located the directory "Downloads" of the 
> Kiwiviewer App?
> I have found the physical location....
> Many thanks,
> Laurent.
> Le 28/03/2013 17:59, ??? a écrit :
>> Hi pat,
>>    Sorry to give you so much trouble.
>>    In my last ves mail which was posted just 20 minutes ago, I said 
>> the simulator soon crashed as your 2 instructions and I want to know why.
>>    But just now I use ipad to test the code and It works well 
>> strangely. puzzle me!!
>>    So why the modified codes soon crashed in the simulator but works 
>> well in the ipad???
>> Deng zhuofu
>> kiwi fan
>>     -----????-----
>>     *???:* "Pat Marion" <pat.marion at kitware.com>
>>     *????:* 2013?3?28? ???
>>     *???:* "???" <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>
>>     *??:* ves at public.kitware.com
>>     *??:* Re: Re: [Ves] subject: about build kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS
>>     Hi,
>>     It might be crashing when it tries to copy the bundled sample
>>     datasets.  In the branch I pushed, I did not include the sample
>>     datasets because I don't want to add them to the git repository. 
>>     You could either download the sample datasets (
>>     https://midas3.kitware.com/midas/folder/9479 ) and add them to
>>     your xcode project, or comment out the code in
>>     DocumentsTableViewController.m where it unpacks the sample data. 
>>     Just add a return statement at the very top of the
>>     unpackSampleData() function.
>>     Pat
>>     On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 3:06 AM, ??? <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn
>>     <mailto:dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>            I will describe the errors in detail.
>>            1)  as your instructions, I create a new folder named
>>         frameworks and put the kiwi, dropbox and pcl frameworks in it.
>>            2)  when I rerun the project,it errors that Eigen/Dense
>>         not found. So also as your instruction I check the Header
>>         Search Paths, and find there are .../kiwi.frameworks/Headers,
>>         so WHY?  Then I check the kiwi.framework and find that the
>>         Eigen as folder exists in the /kiwi.frameworks/Headers. So I
>>         guess whether xcode cannot search subfolder in
>>         the /kiwi.frameworks/Headers. So I add a new
>>         path $(frameworks_dir)/kiwi.framework/Headers/eigen in it and
>>         no errors.
>>            3) Although it works and when I want to run on the
>>         simulator but it produce 70 more warnings and Suddenly exit
>>         example, the warning is that
>>           UITextAlignmentCenter is deprecated. first deprecated in
>>         iOS 6.0
>>         ...............
>>         ld: warning: ignoring file ../frameworks/pcl.framework/pcl,
>>         missing required architecture i386 in file
>>         ../frameworks/pcl.framework/pcl (1 slices)
>>         ld: warning: direct access in
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesTextureCoordinateVertexAttribute*,
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesTextureCoordinateVertexAttribute>,
>>         (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to
>>         global weak symbol vtable for
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means
>>         the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was
>>         likely caused by different translation units being compiled
>>         with different visibility settings.
>>         ld: warning: direct access in
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesColorVertexAttribute*,
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesColorVertexAttribute>,
>>         (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to
>>         global weak symbol vtable for
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means
>>         the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was
>>         likely caused by different translation units being compiled
>>         with different visibility settings.
>>         ld: warning: direct access in
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesNormalVertexAttribute*,
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesNormalVertexAttribute>,
>>         (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to
>>         global weak symbol vtable for
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means
>>         the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was
>>         likely caused by different translation units being compiled
>>         with different visibility settings.
>>         ld: warning: direct access in
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesNormalVertexAttribute*,
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesNormalVertexAttribute>,
>>         (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to
>>         global weak symbol vtable for
>>         std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means
>>         the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was
>>         likely caused by different translation units being compiled
>>         with different visibility settings.
>>         ...............
>>            ..........
>>            Finally it suspended. But I do not know why?
>>         4)  Finally I guess maybe the simulator is just a process in
>>         the os and it may not support the test very well. SO I intend
>>         to test on the iPad. When the app start it suddenly suspend
>>         also. And in the xcode an exception is thrown out in the
>>         DocumentsTableViewController.m and the located line is :
>>         if ([[NSFileManagerdefaultManager] copyItemAtPath:srcFile
>>         toPath:destFile error:nil]) {
>>         return destFile;
>>           }
>>         Above all, Please help me resolve these problems. Whether my
>>         configuration for the kiwiviewer has some mistakes leads to
>>         the problems. What is the right way?
>>         Thank you very much!
>>         Deng Zhuofu
>>           kiwi fan
>>             -----????-----
>>             *???:* "Pat Marion" <pat.marion at kitware.com
>>             <mailto:pat.marion at kitware.com>>
>>             *????:* 2013?3?26? ???
>>             *???:* "???" <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn
>>             <mailto:dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>>
>>             *??:* ves at public.kitware.com <mailto:ves at public.kitware.com>
>>             *??:* Re: [Ves] subject: about build kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS
>>             You still need to provide more information before we can
>>             help you.
>>             Where did you put the frameworks?  You should create a
>>             directory in Apps/iOS called frameworks and put them in
>>             there.
>>             Please check that the headers are actually found in the
>>             kiwi.framework/Headers directory (they should be).
>>             In Xcode, go to build settings and look at the settings
>>             for Header Search Paths.  You should see:
>>             "../frameworks/kiwi.framework/Headers".  Verify the
>>             headers are there.
>>             Pat
>>             On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:25 AM, ???
>>             <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn <mailto:dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>> wrote:
>>                 Hello developers,
>>                       There is a problem which puzzles me a week,
>>                 Please help me!
>>                       A week ago, I posted my question that How to
>>                 build the kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS. Experts has replied
>>                 me but I did not succeed. As the instruction, I
>>                 download the dropbox.framework and import them into
>>                 the project. I also download pcl.framework and
>>                 kiwi.framework from the packages.kitware.com
>>                 <http://packages.kitware.com> and also import them.
>>                       So next step, through the adding files the
>>                 project I import these 3 frameworks. But There are
>>                 always errors that for examples the vesMidasClient.h
>>                 and some others .h file can not found. So I want to
>>                 know why it produce so many errors? Is the way I add
>>                 framework wrong? Please tell me the right way how to
>>                 build kiwiviewer 2.0 on ios in details.
>>                    Thank you very much really!
>>                 Deng
>>                 a fan for k iwiviewer
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