[Ves] VesKiwiViwerApp

Thiago Tavares Magalhães ttavaresm at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 14:19:39 EST 2012

Hi Pat,

I understand, thanks for the reply.
I saw that some useful methods of this class would be the "
builtinDatasetName", the "builtinDatasetFilename" and "loadDataSet" for
However, how could I use these methods to render a VTK file on the screen? In
other words, what xcode object can receive the output of these methods, so
I can finally see a VTK file rendered on the screen of an iphone?

Sorry for my inexperience.
I promise that soon not bother much.


2012/11/25 Pat Marion <pat.marion at kitware.com>

> Hi Thiago,
> The classes in src/ves implement the core rendering library for OpenGL
> ES 2.0.  The classes in src/kiwi provide convenience for combining VTK
> with VES rendering.  For example, vesKiwiDataLoader,
> vesKiwiDataConversionTools, and the subclasses of
> vesKiwiDataRepresentation.  The vesKiwiViewerApp ties together a lot
> of these pieces and presents a single interface, so that it is easier
> to implement an Android or iOS app in Java or Objective-C.  Your
> Java/Objective-C code mostly just need to call methods on
> vesKiwiViewerApp.  If you're designing a mobile app that is similar to
> KiwiViewer, then you could reuse vesKiwiViewerApp, or derive from it
> and extend the behavior.  But, if your app has unique requirements
> that are different from those found in KiwiViewer, then you might not
> want to use vesKiwiViewerApp at all, instead you could just directly
> use the classes from VES and kiwi, or you could design your own app
> interface class.  In that case, vesKiwiViewerApp can serve as an
> example implementation.
> Pat
> 2012/11/24 Thiago Tavares Magalhães <ttavaresm at gmail.com>:
> > VesKiwiViwerApp

Thiago Tavares Magalhães <http://lattes.cnpq.br/1989532473555107>
Instituto Superior de Tecnologia em Ciências da Computação de Petrópolis - *
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica -* LNCC*
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