[Ves] Android building problems in Windows

Joachim Pouderoux joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com
Fri Nov 16 11:37:39 EST 2012

Hi Sergio,

I compiled successfully VES under Windows with r8, VC++2010/NMake.

However, I had to patch it a little bit :
  2 patches took place in VTK, I know that one concerning vtktiff has been
applied, see
but the other on vtkDetermineCompilerFlags.cmake has not been merget yet,
at line 138 replace IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL MATCHES
"(msdev|devenv|nmake|VCExpress)")  by IF(MSVC_VERSION)
  Then I had converted the bash script to batch, fetch those files here :
You just have to follow the linux installation procedure with a Visual
Studio Command Line and call bat file instead of sh one :)


2012/11/16 Pat Marion <pat.marion at kitware.com>

> Hi Sergio,
> I don't have experience building VES on Windows.  VES is primarily tested
> for iOS and Android on OSX and Linux hosts.  But, it is possible to build
> on Windows.  As for the Android NDK to use, I can only confirm that up to
> r8b works, I have not tried r8c.  So maybe you could try downgrading to r8b.
> I don't have experience with Windows, but I think it should work from the
> visual studio command prompt.  You might need to specify "NMake Makefiles"
> as the generator.  Can you tell me what CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER is set to in the
> CMakeCache.txt file: CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-host/CMakeCache and
> CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android/CMakeCache.txt ?  For vtk-host, it should
> be VS10, for vtk-android, it should be the android-gcc.
> Pat
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at alma3d.com>wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I'm unable to successfully compile VES superbuild.
>> I'm working under Windows 7 64 bits, with
>> -lastest ADT (ver21)
>> -I've downloaded  the NDK r8c (the wiki recommends r6, but in the mailing
>> list someone told on the list that r8 is ok)
>> -I've installed Cygwin 1.7.17-1 (without selecting any special packages,
>> just the default ones)
>> -My system has also mingw and msys installed
>> Following the wiki I export the ANDROID_NDK variable, move to
>> Apps/Android/CMakeBuild, and perform  the cmale -P step
>> To my surprise, cmake detects visual studio 10 (instead of gcc) and
>> generates a VS10 project. As a consequencem the "make -j4" fails.
>> I've tried to do this from a cygwin console and a windows console with
>> the same results. It seems that forcing cmake -P to use the "Unix
>> Makefiles" generator has no effect. VS10 still is the detected compiler.
>> Of course the VS10 project does not compile all targets successfully.
>> What is the correct way to go? The wiki seems to suggests thar gcc should
>> be used (make -j4) but i cannot generate a make project
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Sergio Vera
>>  Alma IT Systems
>>  C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
>>  08022 Barcelona
>>  T. (+34) 932 380 592
>>  www.alma3d.com
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*Joachim Pouderoux*

*PhD, R&D Enginee*r
*Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*
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