[Ves] CMakeList VES Help
Aashish Chaudhary
aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Mon Nov 12 11:20:39 EST 2012
Good to know this. Thanks for the update.
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Thiago Tavares Magalhães <
ttavaresm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I managed to locate the directory. Apparently it was possible the
> location of VES indicating only the main folder called VES setup CMake.
> Many thanks to all!
> Thiago Tavares
> 2012/11/12 Ariel Hernán Curiale <curiale at gmail.com>
>> Hi Thiago,
>> I don't use xcode (I really heat the xcode) but if you change of mine and
>> want to use eclipse I could help you.
>> Saludos
>> __________________________________
>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>> |_________________________________
>> El 12/11/2012, a las 13:25, Thiago Tavares Magalhães escribió:
>> Hi Pat and all others,
>> Only today I went back to the lab, sorry for the delay in responding,
>> I installed VES following exactly the instructions in the following link:
>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VES/Developers_Guide # Xcode_instructions
>> The compilation and installation of the libraries was complete?
>> Inside my Build folder (within CMakeExternals) there are only the
>> following items:
>> eigen ves-ios-simulator vtk-ios-device
>> ves-ios-device-host vtk vtk-ios-simulator
>> Thank you so much!
>> Thiago
>> 2012/11/10 Ariel Hernán Curiale <curiale at gmail.com>
>>> Well, I could install the kiwi app from a custom directory. The only way
>>> to run properly the app was using eclipse (if someone wants to know how I
>>> did it, I could describe the steps. But I've already sent too many emails).
>>> If anyone has curiosity and want to help me to configure, build and run
>>> the kiwi app properly from command line it will be great to me. But, I will
>>> use eclipse to develop.
>>> This are the scripts that I used to configure, build and install from
>>> command line:
>>> -------------
>>> | tools.sh |
>>> -------------
>>> ANT=`which ant`
>>> ADB=$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools/adb
>>> ANDROID=$ANDROID_SDK/tools/android
>>> CMAKE=`which cmake`
>>> project_dir=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)
>>> source_dir=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES
>>> app_dir=$project_dir/src
>>> build_dir=$project_dir/build
>>> eclipse_dir=$project_dir/eclipse
>>> cmakeexternals=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals
>>> set -x
>>> ----------------------------
>>> | configure_cmake.sh |
>>> ----------------------------
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> source tools.sh
>>> VTK_DIR=$cmakeexternals/Build/vtk-android
>>> VES_DIR=$cmakeexternals/Build/ves-android
>>> TOOLCHAIN=$source_dir/CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake
>>> mkdir -p $build_dir
>>> cd $build_dir
>>> ------------------------
>>> | configure_ant.sh |
>>> ------------------------
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> source tools.sh
>>> $ANDROID update project --name KiwiViewer --path $app_dir --target
>>> android-14
>>> -----------------
>>> | compile.sh |
>>> -----------------
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> source tools.sh
>>> cd $build_dir
>>> make || exit
>>> cd $app_dir
>>> $ANT -buildfile $app_dir/build.xml -Dbuilddir=$build_dir debug || exit
>>> And I modified the assets.cmake to use the Data from the src directory:
>>> set(kiwi_data ./Data)
>>> Thanks.
>>> __________________________________
>>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>>> |_________________________________
>>> El 10/11/2012, a las 17:26, Ariel Hernán Curiale escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've discovered that the entire directory is missing in the
>>> device (sdcard/Android/data/com.kitware.KiwiViewer). I follow this
>>> procedure to run properly the Kiwi app from the custom directory:
>>> 1) Install and run the app inside the VES directory.
>>> 2) Install and run, without uninstall the app, the Kiwi app again.
>>> I believe that something is missing into the configuration at the moment
>>> to install.
>>> I thought that the problem was in the creation of this directory but I
>>> tried to do another test to avoid this. I deleted the directory and I could
>>> run the Kiwi app then I have no clue about what's happen.
>>> Now I will try to import the project inside the eclipse and use the
>>> debugger to run the app.
>>> Thanks.
>>> __________________________________
>>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>>> |_________________________________
>>> El 10/11/2012, a las 16:03, Aashish Chaudhary escribió:
>>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 8:11 AM, Ariel Hernán Curiale <curiale at gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Pat, I think that the problems could be come from the Data file. When I
>>>> install the .apk from the VES directory the devices (nexus 7) has the
>>>> shuttle.vtp file but when I install from the project outside the VES
>>>> directory the devices has an empty folder.
>>>> To compile the Kiwi app outside the VES directory I copy the Data
>>>> directory inside the src folder and made the change into the assets.cmake.
>>>> Do I need to modified into another file ?
>>> As far as data is concerned, I think that's the only file you need to
>>> modify for Android. Did you run into another issue after you made this
>>> change?
>>> Thanks for your update.
>>> Best,
>>> Aashish
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> __________________________________
>>>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>>>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>>>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>>>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>>>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>>>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>>>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>>>> |_________________________________
>>>> El 10/11/2012, a las 13:59, Ariel Hernán Curiale escribió:
>>>> Hi Pat,
>>>> I want to say thank you :) With your simple and effective explanation I
>>>> can build a kiwi outside the VES directory. I change the scripts
>>>> configure_cmake, _ant and compile.sh to have the source code and build
>>>> directory separated.
>>>> I've had some problems to run the apk. If I compile the Kiwi app from
>>>> the VES directory when I executed the run.sh the Kiwi app was installed
>>>> properly and I could run the app ok. But, If I compile from a custom folder
>>>> the Kiwi, when I executed the run.sh the app was installed properly inside
>>>> the mobil (nexus 7) but when It tries to run the is automatically stopped.
>>>> I paste the logs from the normal and custom installation and perhaps
>>>> you can tell me what I'm missing to change. I can't see any difference
>>>> between two logs and both seems build and install properly.
>>>> This is the log obtained in the process outside the main directory VES
>>>> (When I try to run inside the mobil the app, the app stop inmediatlly):
>>>> ---- configure_cmake.sh
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi$ ./configure_cmake.sh
>>>> +
>>>> VTK_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android
>>>> +
>>>> VES_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android
>>>> +
>>>> TOOLCHAIN=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES/CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake
>>>> + mkdir -p /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build
>>>> + cd /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build
>>>> + /opt/local/bin/cmake
>>>> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES/CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake
>>>> -DVTK_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android
>>>> -DVES_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src
>>>> -- Configuring done
>>>> -- Generating done
>>>> -- Build files have been written to:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build
>>>> ---- configure_ant.sh
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi$ ./configure_ant.sh
>>>> + /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android update
>>>> project --name KiwiViewer --path
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src --target android-14
>>>> Updated project.properties
>>>> Updated local.properties
>>>> Added file /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/build.xml
>>>> Added file
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/proguard-project.txt
>>>> ---- compile.sh
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi$ ./compile.sh
>>>> + cd /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build
>>>> + make
>>>> Scanning dependencies of target KiwiNative
>>>> [100%] Building CXX object
>>>> jni/CMakeFiles/KiwiNative.dir/KiwiNative.cpp.o
>>>> Linking CXX shared library ../libs/armeabi-v7a/libKiwiNative.so
>>>> [100%] Built target KiwiNative
>>>> + cd /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src
>>>> + /opt/local/bin/ant -buildfile
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/build.xml
>>>> -Dbuilddir=/Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build debug
>>>> Buildfile: /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/build.xml
>>>> -set-mode-check:
>>>> -set-debug-files:
>>>> -check-env:
>>>> [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 20.0.3
>>>> [checkenv] Installed at /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx
>>>> -setup:
>>>> [echo] Project Name: KiwiViewer
>>>> [gettype] Project Type: Application
>>>> -set-debug-mode:
>>>> -debug-obfuscation-check:
>>>> -build-setup:
>>>> [echo] Resolving Build Target for KiwiViewer...
>>>> [gettarget] Project Target: Android 4.0
>>>> [gettarget] API level: 14
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/classes
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Resolving Dependencies for KiwiViewer...
>>>> [dependency] Library dependencies:
>>>> [dependency] No Libraries
>>>> [dependency]
>>>> [dependency] ------------------
>>>> [dependency] API<=15: Adding annotations.jar to the classpath.
>>>> [dependency] WARNING: unable to write jarlist cache file
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/jarlist.cache
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'...
>>>> [subant] No sub-builds to iterate on
>>>> -pre-build:
>>>> -code-gen:
>>>> [mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.
>>>> [mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project manifest only.
>>>> [echo] Handling aidl files...
>>>> [aidl] No AIDL files to compile.
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Handling RenderScript files...
>>>> [renderscript] No RenderScript files to compile.
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Handling Resources...
>>>> [aapt] Found modified input file
>>>> [aapt] Generating resource IDs...
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Handling BuildConfig class...
>>>> [buildconfig] Generating BuildConfig class.
>>>> -pre-compile:
>>>> -compile:
>>>> [javac] Compiling 8 source files to
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/classes
>>>> -post-compile:
>>>> -obfuscate:
>>>> -dex:
>>>> [dex] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/classes.dex...
>>>> -crunch:
>>>> [crunch] Crunching PNG Files in source dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res
>>>> [crunch] To destination dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable-hdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable-hdpi/info_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/info_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/info_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable-hdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png:
>>>> 54% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable-mdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable-mdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/icon.png:
>>>> 95% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/info_active.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/info_active.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/info_active.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/info_inactive.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/info_inactive.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/info_inactive.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/kitwarelogo.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/kitwarelogo.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/kitwarelogo.png:
>>>> 61% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/opendata_active.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/opendata_active.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/opendata_active.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/opendata_inactive.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/opendata_inactive.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/opendata_inactive.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/reset_active.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/reset_active.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/reset_active.png:
>>>> 57% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/src/res/drawable/reset_inactive.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/reset_inactive.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/res/drawable/reset_inactive.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Crunched 13 PNG files to update cache
>>>> -package-resources:
>>>> [aapt] Creating full resource package...
>>>> -package:
>>>> [apkbuilder] Current build type is different than previous build:
>>>> forced apkbuilder run.
>>>> [apkbuilder] Creating KiwiViewer-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it
>>>> with a debug key...
>>>> -post-package:
>>>> -do-debug:
>>>> [zipalign] Running zip align on final apk...
>>>> [echo] Debug Package:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/KiwiViewer-debug.apk
>>>> [propertyfile] Creating new property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/build.prop
>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/build.prop
>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/build.prop
>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/build.prop
>>>> -post-build:
>>>> debug:
>>>> Total time: 10 seconds
>>>> --- install and run the app
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi$ ./install_and_run.sh
>>>> + /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb -d
>>>> install -r
>>>> /Users/ariel/Uva/LPI/Proyectos/Android/VES/Kiwi/build/bin/KiwiViewer-debug.apk
>>>> 1301 KB/s (6470341 bytes in 4.856s)
>>>> pkg: /data/local/tmp/KiwiViewer-debug.apk
>>>> Success
>>>> + /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb shell
>>>> am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
>>>> com.kitware.KiwiViewer/.KiwiViewerActivity
>>>> Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
>>>> cmp=com.kitware.KiwiViewer/.KiwiViewerActivity }
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> And this is the log obtained in the process inside the main directory
>>>> VES (This app run ok):
>>>> ---------------------------------------
>>>> ---- configure_cmake.sh
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi$ ./configure_cmake.sh
>>>> +
>>>> VTK_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android
>>>> +
>>>> VES_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android
>>>> +
>>>> TOOLCHAIN=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/../../../CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake
>>>> + mkdir -p /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi
>>>> + cd /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi
>>>> + /opt/local/bin/cmake
>>>> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/../../../CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake
>>>> -DVTK_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android
>>>> -DVES_DIR=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES-build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi
>>>> -- Configuring done
>>>> -- Generating done
>>>> CMake Warning:
>>>> Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
>>>> -- Build files have been written to:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi
>>>> ---- configure_ant.sh
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi$ ./configure_ant.sh
>>>> + /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android update
>>>> project --name KiwiViewer --path
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi --target android-14
>>>> Updated and renamed default.properties to project.properties
>>>> Updated local.properties
>>>> Added file /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/build.xml
>>>> Added file
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/proguard-project.txt
>>>> ----- compile.sh
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi$ ./compile.sh
>>>> + cd /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi
>>>> + make
>>>> Scanning dependencies of target KiwiNative
>>>> [100%] Building CXX object
>>>> jni/CMakeFiles/KiwiNative.dir/KiwiNative.cpp.o
>>>> Linking CXX shared library ../libs/armeabi-v7a/libKiwiNative.so
>>>> [100%] Built target KiwiNative
>>>> + cd /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi
>>>> + /opt/local/bin/ant -buildfile
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/build.xml
>>>> -Dbuilddir=/Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi debug
>>>> Buildfile: /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/build.xml
>>>> -set-mode-check:
>>>> -set-debug-files:
>>>> -check-env:
>>>> [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 20.0.3
>>>> [checkenv] Installed at /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx
>>>> -setup:
>>>> [echo] Project Name: KiwiViewer
>>>> [gettype] Project Type: Application
>>>> -set-debug-mode:
>>>> -debug-obfuscation-check:
>>>> -build-setup:
>>>> [echo] Resolving Build Target for KiwiViewer...
>>>> [gettarget] Project Target: Android 4.0
>>>> [gettarget] API level: 14
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/gen
>>>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/classes
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Resolving Dependencies for KiwiViewer...
>>>> [dependency] Library dependencies:
>>>> [dependency] No Libraries
>>>> [dependency]
>>>> [dependency] ------------------
>>>> [dependency] API<=15: Adding annotations.jar to the classpath.
>>>> [dependency] WARNING: unable to write jarlist cache file
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/jarlist.cache
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'...
>>>> [subant] No sub-builds to iterate on
>>>> -pre-build:
>>>> -code-gen:
>>>> [mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.
>>>> [mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project manifest only.
>>>> [echo] Handling aidl files...
>>>> [aidl] No AIDL files to compile.
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Handling RenderScript files...
>>>> [renderscript] No RenderScript files to compile.
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Handling Resources...
>>>> [aapt] Generating resource IDs...
>>>> [echo] ----------
>>>> [echo] Handling BuildConfig class...
>>>> [buildconfig] Generating BuildConfig class.
>>>> -pre-compile:
>>>> -compile:
>>>> [javac] Compiling 8 source files to
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/classes
>>>> -post-compile:
>>>> -obfuscate:
>>>> -dex:
>>>> [dex] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/classes.dex...
>>>> -crunch:
>>>> [crunch] Crunching PNG Files in source dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res
>>>> [crunch] To destination dir:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable-hdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable-hdpi/info_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/info_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/info_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable-hdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png:
>>>> 54% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable-mdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/alert_dialog_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable-mdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/kiwi_small_icon.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/icon.png =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/icon.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/icon.png:
>>>> 95% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/info_active.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/info_active.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/info_active.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/info_inactive.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/info_inactive.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/info_inactive.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/kitwarelogo.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/kitwarelogo.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/kitwarelogo.png:
>>>> 61% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/opendata_active.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/opendata_active.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/opendata_active.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/opendata_inactive.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/opendata_inactive.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/opendata_inactive.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/reset_active.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/reset_active.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/reset_active.png:
>>>> 57% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Processing image to cache:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/res/drawable/reset_inactive.png
>>>> =>
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/reset_inactive.png
>>>> [crunch] (processed image to cache entry
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/res/drawable/reset_inactive.png:
>>>> 0% size of source)
>>>> [crunch] Crunched 13 PNG files to update cache
>>>> -package-resources:
>>>> [aapt] Creating full resource package...
>>>> -package:
>>>> [apkbuilder] Current build type is different than previous build:
>>>> forced apkbuilder run.
>>>> [apkbuilder] Creating KiwiViewer-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it
>>>> with a debug key...
>>>> -post-package:
>>>> -do-debug:
>>>> [zipalign] Running zip align on final apk...
>>>> [echo] Debug Package:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/KiwiViewer-debug.apk
>>>> [propertyfile] Creating new property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/build.prop
>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/build.prop
>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/build.prop
>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property file:
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/build.prop
>>>> -post-build:
>>>> debug:
>>>> Total time: 14 seconds
>>>> ---- Install and run the app
>>>> ariel at gohan:~/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi$ ./run.sh
>>>> + /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb -d
>>>> install -r
>>>> /Users/ariel/Applications/VES/Apps/Android/Kiwi/bin/KiwiViewer-debug.apk
>>>> 1264 KB/s (9982452 bytes in 7.706s)
>>>> pkg: /data/local/tmp/KiwiViewer-debug.apk
>>>> Success
>>>> + /Users/ariel/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb shell
>>>> am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
>>>> com.kitware.KiwiViewer/.KiwiViewerActivity
>>>> Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
>>>> cmp=com.kitware.KiwiViewer/.KiwiViewerActivity }
>>>> Saludos
>>>> __________________________________
>>>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>>>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>>>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>>>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>>>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>>>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>>>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>>>> |_________________________________
>>>> El 10/11/2012, a las 10:07, Ariel Hernán Curiale escribió:
>>>> Hi Pat, thank for your explanation !
>>>> I'm trying to relocate an Android project and I want to use the cmake
>>>> to create the project for xcode or eclipse. In particular I use eclipse and
>>>> I want to create the eclipse project (.project) with cmake:
>>>> ccmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ../src/
>>>> I will try to build again the kiwi project and import into eclipse
>>>> follow your instruction. If I have any doubt I tell you.
>>>> Again, Thanks.
>>>> __________________________________
>>>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>>>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>>>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>>>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>>>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>>>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>>>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>>>> |_________________________________
>>>> El 09/11/2012, a las 23:28, Pat Marion escribió:
>>>> Hi Thiago,
>>>> VES uses a "superbuild", which means several projects in addition to
>>>> VES are configured and compiled and placed in the build directory. The
>>>> workspace for the superbuild is in a directory called "CMakeExternals".
>>>> After you have run the superbuild, you will find CMakeExternals in your
>>>> build directory, and you will find the VES build directory in
>>>> CMakeExternals/Build/ves.
>>>> Ariel-
>>>> You can move projects in the App/ directory to any location and build
>>>> them, but you will need to fix paths. Were you trying to relocate an
>>>> Android project or iOS file? For the iOS project, you will find a
>>>> .xcconfig file that you must modify to define the path to the VES source
>>>> and build dirs. For Android, you should modify the tools.sh file to update
>>>> the paths of source_dir and cmakeexternals_dir.
>>>> Here's more general instructions:
>>>> To configure and build VES (using /workspace as a root dir):
>>>> cd /workspace
>>>> git clone git://vtk.org/VES.git
>>>> mkdir ves-build
>>>> cd ves-build
>>>> ../VES
>>>> make -j4
>>>> To write a CMakeLists.txt in a new project that uses VES:
>>>> # CMakeLists.txt
>>>> find_package(VTK REQUIRED)
>>>> include(${VTK_USE_FILE})
>>>> find_package(VES REQUIRED)
>>>> include_directories(${VES_INCLUDE_DIRS})
>>>> # now you can link with ${VES_LIBRARIES} and ${VTK_LIBRARIES}
>>>> To configure your project:
>>>> VTK_DIR=/workspace/ves-build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android
>>>> VES_DIR=/workspace/ves-build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android
>>>> TOOLCHAIN=/workspace/ves/CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake
>>>> -DVES_DIR=$VES_DIR /path/to/myproject
>>>> Pat
>>>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Aashish Chaudhary <
>>>> aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>> I will sen something tomorrow.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Nov 9, 2012, at 3:32 PM, Ariel Hernán Curiale <curiale at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Thiago,
>>>>> I tried to move one example from the root of the ves/../App (the kiwi
>>>>> app) and I've had too many problems to configure in a proper way the
>>>>> CMakeList.txt.
>>>>> I'm in the same situation like you. If anyone could give us a little
>>>>> example and explain how we have to config. the CMakeList.txt to use the VES
>>>>> library outside the main folder It would be really grate to me :)
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> __________________________________
>>>>> | Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
>>>>> | ETSI Telecomunicación
>>>>> | Universidad de Valladolid
>>>>> | Campus Miguel Delibes
>>>>> | 47011 Valladolid, Spain
>>>>> | Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
>>>>> | Web: www.curiale.com.ar
>>>>> |_________________________________
>>>>> El 09/11/2012, a las 19:53, Thiago Tavares Magalhães escribió:
>>>>> Hallo
>>>>> First sorry for my bad English.
>>>>> I started studying the VES recently, but I have done some examples
>>>>> with VTK.
>>>>> For this, I use CMake. With VTK codes I set the CMakeList normally and run
>>>>> the command ccmake to specify, among other things, the directory that
>>>>> is the vtk_build.
>>>>> For VES I do not know which file I must inform the directory within the
>>>>> configuration of cmake. In other words, I do not know what the file or
>>>>> directory VES equivalent to VTK_build of VTK.
>>>>> I need to know that. If possible, please also a basic example of a
>>>>> valid CMakeList VTK and VES and manages the application to be opened
>>>>> in IPadSimulator (or similar).
>>>>> Many thanks to all!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Thiago Tavares Magalhães <http://lattes.cnpq.br/1989532473555107>
>>>>> Instituto Superior de Tecnologia em Ciências da Computação de
>>>>> Petrópolis - *FAETERJ*
>>>>> Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica -* LNCC*
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Ves mailing list
>>>>> Ves at public.kitware.com
>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ves
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>>>>> Ves mailing list
>>>>> Ves at public.kitware.com
>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ves
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>>>>> Ves mailing list
>>>>> Ves at public.kitware.com
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>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Ves mailing list
>>>> Ves at public.kitware.com
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ves
>>> --
>>> | Aashish Chaudhary
>>> | R&D Engineer
>>> | Kitware Inc.
>>> | www.kitware.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Ves mailing list
>>> Ves at public.kitware.com
>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ves
>> --
>> Thiago Tavares Magalhães <http://lattes.cnpq.br/1989532473555107>
>> Instituto Superior de Tecnologia em Ciências da Computação de Petrópolis
>> - *FAETERJ*
>> Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica -* LNCC*
> --
> Thiago Tavares Magalhães <http://lattes.cnpq.br/1989532473555107>
> Instituto Superior de Tecnologia em Ciências da Computação de Petrópolis -
> Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica -* LNCC*
> _______________________________________________
> Ves mailing list
> Ves at public.kitware.com
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ves
| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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