[Ves] How to develop a small app with VES API

Ariel Hernán Curiale curiale at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 03:56:47 EST 2012

Hi all,
I'm really newbie with VTK and VES. I did some basic applications with VTK and cmake without problems, but now I'm trying to use the VES API and I have some doubt about it.
First,  Could anyone  recommend me a simple guide to develop a little app for android using VES ? 
Is it possible  use cmake and eclipse like VES project for iOS and xcode or ITK/VTK projects ?
I want to do something like the instruction for iOS but using eclipse and outside of the main structure of VES.  I tried to compile the Kiwi app outside the main structure of VES API and I did some tweaks in the scripts to build the app, but  I can't fixed all the dependencies problems.

Does anyone know how to create a project for eclipse using VES without the main structure of VES ?
Does anyone know what classes of VTK I can use when I develop an application with VES or where is located  the Doxygen for VES API?

| Ariel Hernán Curiale Ph.D Student
| ETSI Telecomunicación
| Universidad de Valladolid
| Campus Miguel Delibes
| 47011 Valladolid, Spain
| Phone: 983-423000 ext. 5590
| Web: www.curiale.com.ar

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