[Tubetk-developers] Fwd: How do you use pull requests?

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Apr 14 12:00:39 EDT 2014

Interesting message.  They include a performance report on our code reviews:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Georgios Gousios <G.Gousios at tudelft.nl>
Date: Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 2:58 AM
Subject: How do you use pull requests?
To: matt.mccormick at kitware.com

Hi there, Matt McCormick!

As part of a research team at TU Delft in the Netherlands, I am looking for
active GitHub users for a survey. We are interested on how people do distributed
software development through pull requests. Through my data, I noticed you are
among the top pull request integrators for the Github repository TubeTK/TubeTK.

Here's a link to the survey:

Filling in the survey should take about 10 minutes. I would greatly appreciate
your input -- it will help us understand how modern developers actually work and
in turn might help shape new tools that support developers. We will openly
publish the results so everyone can benefit from them, but will anonymize
everything before doing so. As a thank you note, you might want to have a look
at this report of your project's pull request handling performance:

This is a purely academic study. We're not affiliated with GitHub in any way.
If you consider this email to be spam, I'm very sorry, but this really was not
our intention! There will be no follow-up.

You can find more about our research on pull requests through the
following links:

Thanks in advance,


Dr. Georgios Gousios
Delft University of Technology
http://www.gousios.gr | @gousiosg

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