[Tangelo-users] Tangelo Service Crashes Sometimes?

Jeffrey Borowitz Jeffrey.borowitz at giantoak.com
Wed Oct 2 09:36:20 EDT 2013

I've been using the Tangelo framework to put together a web app.  I've
found one of my python service calls seems to throw an error only
sometimes.  The error that I get is:

<!doctype html>
<h2>501 Error in Python Service</h2>
<p>There was an error executing service
/app/ice_images/ltquery/:<br><pre>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./tangelo", line 170, in invoke_service
    result = service.run(*pargs, **kwargs)
TypeError: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ltnum'
<p><em>Powered by Tangelo</em> <img src=/img/tangelo.ico>

But 'run()' does expect an ltnum keyword argument, and happily receives it
sometimes.  I also sometimes get the same error with another call on the
same page, to network.run().  Once I get one of these errors, the tangelo
server crashes and I can't call any more python services without restarting.

Anyone have any thoughts as to what might be going on?

I've been using commit 266ed76575c51a55e4acdd450b4f578e1c104c17


Jeff Borowitz
Social Scientist
Giant Oak
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