[Smtk-developers] JSON in SMTK

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Wed Sep 13 17:37:49 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I've looked a little more into jsoncpp and nlohmann_json. Attached is my experiment with syntax and getting UUIDs and arrays of UUIDs serialized. nlohmann does not require calls to converter functions nor does it even require a converter... UUIDs just worked (however, we probably want a converter as its default behavior writes UUIDs as JSON arrays of unsigned integers).

I continue to like nlohmann and dislike jsoncpp in terms of terseness and legibility of the resulting code. The one thing I dislike about nlohmann is that the repo seems to contain super-huge test files, making it slow to clone.

Attached are example programs for each library that do the same thing (create JSON data including UUIDs). I have not tried parsing/dumping large objects.


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