[Smtk-developers] [Cmb-users] CMB dashboard and SMTK

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Mon May 1 13:15:10 EDT 2017

Hi Ben,

>>> If I remember it correctly, After SMTK master moves if within
>>> 45-minute interval SMTK master does not have new things merged in,
>>> then CMB would build against SMTK new master. If new things are
>>> merged in, then the timer would be reset.
> It's that if SMTK master hasn't changed in 45 minutes, a CMB Superbuild
> build is *queued*. It still can be deferred by other work the machines
> have pending.

Does the CMB superbuild include CMB? or queue a CMB build? Or do we need to twiddle something to get a CMB "master" to build after this?

>> Which type of build is started? One in buildbot-packages? master?
>> latest-master? I'm still not clear on what all the CDash headings mean
>> and don't see any documentation for them.
> It should be master-packages on CMB. The `latest` sections are just the
> most recent `master` or `package` builds (never a merge request build).



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