[Smtk-developers] Bridges and descriptive phrases

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Fri Nov 7 21:30:07 EST 2014

Hi Yumin,

I've merged in some code that goes a little further than what we talked about as far as displaying bridge sessions in the Qt tree view. Instead of just adding a new subclass of DescriptivePhrase, I made bridges entities just like ModelEntity, Face, Edge, etc.

There is a new class, smtk::model::BridgeSession, that is a Cursor subclass. You can get an array of all the bridge sesssion in a Manager with

    smtk::model::Manager::Ptr mgr;
    BridgeSessions sessions = mgr->allSessions();

and it will list models assigned to it:

    ModelEntities models = sessions[0].models();

This is used to present models as children of bridge sessions in DescriptivePhrase hierarchies. The BridgeSession class also provides some convenience methods for accessing bridge information. See smtk/bridge/cgm/testing/python for some examples.

Please let me know if you have any problems using this to present bridges in the Qt tree view in ModelBuilder.


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