[Rtk-users] DRR from 3d CT and projection of lung contour mesh onto it

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Sep 23 13:17:13 UTC 2022

Hi qod rec,
1. The projection is limited by the size of your input volumes. With such a
large source to object distance (10 m), you're almost parallel so what you
see should correspond to the size of a coronal slice of your volume.
2. constantImageSource creates an image (here filled with the constant
value 0). The meaning is described in the ITK software guide, figure 4.1
Your input image has a negative spacing which is transferred to the
direction matrix.
3. There is also a projection matrix. So you mutiply a 3D point in
homogenous coordinates (4 values x y z 1) you get a 2 2d point in
homogenous coordinates (3 values u v w). your coordinate is u/w and v/w. It
works in physical coordinates.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 2:53 AM qod rec <recqod at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have some 3d chest CTs and its lung contour is labeled. I generate the
> contour meshes and want to project their vertices (points) onto the DRR.
> I use the following parameters to generate DRR using
> JosephForwardProjectionImageFilter in RTK.
> # Input
> inputVolume = itk.imread('chest.nii')
> inputVolume = inputVolume.astype(itk.F)
> volumeSpacing = inputVolume.GetSpacing()
> volumeOrigin = inputVolume.GetOrigin()
> volumeDirection = inputVolume.GetDirection()
> volumeShape = inputVolume.shape
> volumeDirection = itk.array_from_matrix(volumeDirection)
> print(volumeSpacing)
> print(volumeOrigin)
> print(volumeDirection)
> print(volumeShape)
> itkVectorD3 ([0.810547, 0.810547, 1])
> itkPointD3 ([-213.107, 206.892, -220.053])
> [[ 1.  0.  0.]
>  [ 0. -1.  0.]
>  [ 0.  0.  1.]]
> (301, 512, 512)
> # Geometry
> geometry = rtk.ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry.New()
> numberOfProjections = 1
> sid = 10000 # source to isocenter distance
> sdd = 20000 # source to detector distance
> gantryAngle = 0. # rot around y-axis
> projOffsetX = 0.
> projOffsetY = 0.
> outOfPlaneAngle = 90. # rot around x-axis
> inPlaneAngle = 0. # rot around z-axis
> sourceOffsetX = 0.
> sourceOffsetY = 0.
> geometry.AddProjection(sid, sdd, gantryAngle, projOffsetX, projOffsetY,
> outOfPlaneAngle, inPlaneAngle, sourceOffsetX, sourceOffsetY)
> # Create a stack of empty projection images
> ConstantImageSourceType = rtk.ConstantImageSource[OutputImageType]
> constantImageSource = ConstantImageSourceType.New()
> origin = [-511, -511, 0]
> sizeOutput = [512, 512, 1]
> spacing = [2, 2, 1]
> constantImageSource.SetOrigin(origin)
> constantImageSource.SetSpacing(spacing)
> constantImageSource.SetSize(sizeOutput)
> constantImageSource.SetConstant(0.)
> Finally I get this DRR looks like a front-view one:
> [image: image.png]
> Here are my questions:
> 1. I thought I would get a 512x512 full DRR with no backgrounds, just like
> normal x-ray, how can I fix it?
> 2. What's the meaning of constantImageSource's parameters? If I set these
> origin, spacing and size just like my input volume, I got DRR nowhere or
> too big to display.
> 3. I have read the geometry doc, and my understanding about its projection
> matrix is that the matrix is a translation matrix multiply rotation matrix.
> Since it is a 3x4 matrix, if I multiply a 3d point in homogeneous
> coordinates, the point will be project to a 2d point, right? What is the 2d
> coordinate? What coordinate system should I multiply the projection matrix
> on? Physical coordinate or Voxel coordinate?
> Thank you so much for reading and answering my long-winded questions.
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