[Rtk-users] 4D Phase-correlated Reconstruction

Zhang, Zhehao zhehao.zhang at wustl.edu
Wed May 13 02:07:35 EDT 2020

Dear all,

I am trying to do the 4D phase-correlated CBCT reconstruction under Python environment. What I have are the projection data(.mha), geometry info(.xml) and the repiratory info(.txt). You can check the attachment for the phase file. I want just to simply ‘divide’ the projections and geometry into different bins according to the phase information and perform FDK recon separately, to get several different 3D images with streaks artifacts of course. The Rooster is not necessary for me.

I have spent lot of time on the given ‘4DROOSTERReconstruction’ example. I think it used the ReorderProjectionsImageFilter order to do the separation. However, I am stuck on how to perform it for Python since I didn’t figure out how to read the phase.txt. Could you please give me some hints and is it correct to call this order to achieve my goals?

Additionally, I also saw another test example(https://github.com/SimonRit/RTK/blob/master/test/rtkwarpprojectionstacktofourdtest.cxx) which seems using ‘PhasesToInterpolationWeights’ ,  ‘BackProjectionImageFilter’ and ‘DivideImageFilter ‘ to do this. I am confused I should follow which way. And I also want to make sure why here using BackProjectionImageFilter rather than FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter.

Sorry for these cumbersome questions. Really hope to get some help, which means a lot for me. Thank you very much.


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