[Rtk-users] Blurred piece-wise reconstruction

vincent vl at xris.eu
Tue Feb 11 14:30:15 EST 2020

Hi Simon,

yes, I used both in my command line.  I have 64 Go RAM on the machine, 
so that shouldn't be the issue.  For the sake of completeness, I also 
tried the subset option in combination with the divisions option, going 
as low as 1, but to no avail.

I'll investigate further tomorrow.

Thank you again for your help,


On 2020-02-11 8:08 p.m., Simon Rit wrote:
> Have you tried the combination of both? To be clear, --divisions acts 
> on the reconstructed volume so it should be ~7 Go with the 
> "--divisions 4" option (instead of 
> 2000*2000*2000*4/1024/1024/1024=29.8 Go otherwise).
> The --lowmem option acts on the projections and you have 250 Mo 
> (instead of 2048*2048*1500*4/1024/1024/1024=23.4 Go otherwise).
> The message "Failed to allocate memory for image" seems to be a CPU 
> memory issue. Are you sure you have about 10 Go available to run this 
> reconstruction?
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 7:31 PM vincent <vl at xris.eu 
> <mailto:vl at xris.eu>> wrote:
>     Hi Simon,
>     I am afraid I forgot to mention something in my last email.  I
>     tried to use the lowmem option, as you suggested a while ago in
>     the list for the same problem, but I am afraid I am still getting
>     the same error.
>     kind regards,
>     Vincent
>     On 11.02.20 17:36, Simon Rit wrote:
>>     Hi Vincent,
>>     There is a way to do such a thing in rtkfdk with the --divisions
>>     option, see code here
>>     <https://github.com/SimonRit/RTK/blob/master/applications/rtkfdk/rtkfdk.cxx#L190-L196>.
>>     I also don't really understand either what's going on in your
>>     bottom reconstruction, it seems to be a geometric problem. Have
>>     you checked an axial slice?
>>     Simon
>>     On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 4:21 PM vincent <vl at xris.eu
>>     <mailto:vl at xris.eu>> wrote:
>>         Hello RTK community,
>>         I am afraid that my question might not be directly related to
>>         the
>>         excellent implementation we are all using, but it might still be
>>         interesting for some of you.
>>         I have a stack of 1500 projections of size 2048*2048. I
>>         obviously can't
>>         reconstruct the full resolution volume on my graphics card,
>>         as it is too
>>         big.  So my solution was to split the sinogram into N parts,
>>         for which
>>         each reconstructed volume would fit in my GPU memory and then
>>         reassemble
>>         them.  I did a test with a 700*820*900 sinogram, that I cut
>>         in two parts
>>         of 700*410(+a small overlap)*900.
>>         While the reconstruction of the whole volume was acceptable,
>>         I got a
>>         weird issue with the split ones: the one corresponding to the
>>         top of the
>>         image is also ok, but the bottom one is very blurry. The
>>         three images
>>         can be found at the following links:
>>         https://ibb.co/vLk9ZhQ
>>         https://ibb.co/m4pm0LT
>>         https://ibb.co/Jyf1yKM
>>         I used the same calibration parameters for the three
>>         reconstruction.  I
>>         visually checked the split sinograms and they looked fine.
>>         Any insight will be much appreciated !
>>         Thanks in advance,
>>         kindest regards,
>>         Vincent
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