[Rtk-users] Blurred piece-wise reconstruction

vincent vl at xris.eu
Tue Feb 11 09:41:55 EST 2020

Hello RTK community,

I am afraid that my question might not be directly related to the 
excellent implementation we are all using, but it might still be 
interesting for some of you.

I have a stack of 1500 projections of size 2048*2048.  I obviously can't 
reconstruct the full resolution volume on my graphics card, as it is too 
big.  So my solution was to split the sinogram into N parts, for which 
each reconstructed volume would fit in my GPU memory and then reassemble 
them.  I did a test with a 700*820*900 sinogram, that I cut in two parts 
of 700*410(+a small overlap)*900.

While the reconstruction of the whole volume was acceptable, I got a 
weird issue with the split ones: the one corresponding to the top of the 
image is also ok, but the bottom one is very blurry.  The three images 
can be found at the following links:


I used the same calibration parameters for the three reconstruction.  I 
visually checked the split sinograms and they looked fine.

Any insight will be much appreciated !

Thanks in advance,

kindest regards,


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