[Rtk-users] CT recon - Matrix and paramaters are not consistent

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jul 25 11:10:14 EDT 2019

Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, your geometry file was fine on my linux
box. This solves the thread, nothing else to do.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 5:06 PM Pavel Kudrna <pavel.kudrna83 at gmail.com>

> Simon,
> I found out what is wrong. I computed the XML on win .NET C# and then put
> it into shared folder and invoked the command in docker which is Linux. The
> same goniometry functions are not giving same results when computed on
> different systems. When I invoked the xml generating script on linux
> (docker) it produced correct matrixes.
> So this is the reason. Strange what is written in first sentence in here
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21183477/windows-vs-linux-math-result-difference
> :)
> How to make this thread solved please? I am new here, so appologize my
> question.
> Thank you…
> p.
> *Od: *Simon Rit <simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
> *Odesláno:*čtvrtek 25. července 2019 16:36
> *Komu: *Pavel Kudrna <pavel.kudrna83 at gmail.com>
> *Předmět: *Re: [Rtk-users] CT recon - Matrix and paramaters are not
> consistent
> Hi,
> There is a consistency check between the matrix and the parameters which
> are both included in the geometry file and redundant, see the code here:
> https://github.com/SimonRit/RTK/blob/master/src/rtkThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileReader.cxx#L161-L176
> But I don't see any inconsistency so I don't understand what's the problem
> here. Can you send your geometry file?
> Thanks,
> Simon
> PS: your 200 200 200 should be changed to "200 200 200" or 200,200,200
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 3:48 PM Pavel Kudrna <pavel.kudrna83 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Would be anybody so kind to give me a brief introduction what is going on
> when I get error with ITK back-projection? The numbers in matrixes seems to
> be same. I am running simple script containing *rtkfdk -v -p . -r
> output_mha.mha -o result.mha -g output_xml.xml --dimension 200 200 200
> --spacing 0.1 * command. I got this. I am using docker image under win 10
> and power shell.
> Thank you…
> Kind regards…
> Pavel
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