[Rtk-users] rtk compile error: can not open file rtkcuda.lib

YusiCHEN yusichensmu at foxmail.com
Tue Sep 11 04:17:36 EDT 2018

hi rtk user,

I have been stuck in rtk compiling for a long time: My compile platform is vs2012. Anytime when I tried to compile rtk code, numerous errors occurred. Here's the error messages look like:

Error	114	error : modifier is not allowed on a destructor	g:\rtk\insighttoolkit-4.13.1\modules\core\common\include\itkExceptionObject.h	243
Error	115	error : modifier is not allowed on a destructor	g:\rtk\insighttoolkit-4.13.1\modules\core\common\include\itkExceptionObject.h	268
Error	117	error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\bin\Debug\rtkcuda.lib'	G:\RTK\RTK-1.4.0\Build\examples\FirstReconstruction\LINK

Error	118	error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\bin\Debug\rtkcuda.lib'	G:\RTK\RTK-1.4.0\Build\examples\HelloWorld\LINK

Error	134	error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\bin\Debug\rtkcuda.lib'	G:\RTK\RTK-1.4.0\Build\applications\rtkadmmtotalvariation\LINK


My cmake build information is listed as followed. Although there're 2 warnings, the Configure and Generate process are executable.

CMake Warning (dev) at utilities/SimpleRTK/CMake/srtkLanguageOptions.cmake:67 (find_package):
  Ignoring EXACT since no version is requested.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  utilities/SimpleRTK/SimpleRTKWithSwig.cmake:56 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:255 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning at utilities/SimpleRTK/CMake/srtkLanguageOptions.cmake:70 (message):
  Python version less that 2.6: "".
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  utilities/SimpleRTK/SimpleRTKWithSwig.cmake:56 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:255 (include)

Could NOT find Tclsh (missing: TCL_TCLSH) 
Found the following C# .NET versions: v4.0.30319, v3.5, v2.0.50727
Configuring done
Generating done

I have checked that "HelloWorld" example in ITK can be complied and run. So the problem  is only the issue of RTK.

Anyone can tell me what should I do?


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