[Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error

Cyril Mory cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed Nov 2 04:33:32 EDT 2016

Dear Zahid,

The --divisions is an option of the command-line application rtkfdk. It 
is not directly an option of the FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter : 
rather, it is passed to a streaming filter at the end of the pipeline. 
Look for the following bit of code in rtkfdk.cxx :

   // Streaming depending on streaming capability of writer
   typedef itk::StreamingImageFilter<CPUOutputImageType, 
CPUOutputImageType> StreamerType;
   StreamerType::Pointer streamerBP = StreamerType::New();
   streamerBP->SetInput( pfeldkamp );
   streamerBP->SetNumberOfStreamDivisions( args_info.divisions_arg );

You can find information on how a streaming filter works on this page:


I hope it helps,


On 11/02/2016 09:01 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
> Dear Cyril Mory,
>                  I have tried but I am not getting where to give --division 4 in my code.
>                  Please find my code given below and please let me know where I need to change in my code to make it work.
>   int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
> {
> #pragma region "Variable declaration"
> 	const double  PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
> 	float *angles;
> 	int nProj = 349;
> 	typedef unsigned short pixelType;
> 	typedef float OutpixelType;
> 	const int dimension = 3;
> 	typedef itk::Image<pixelType, dimension> imageType;
> 	typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<imageType > ImageIteratorType;
> 	imageType::Pointer Projections = imageType::New();
> #pragma endregion "Variable declaration"
> 	Projections = ReadRawImages("D:\\CBCT\\CIRS_1204020_25022016153227\\Proj_%d.raw", nProj);
> 	imageType::SpacingType pSpacing;
> 	pSpacing[0] = 0.2960;
> 	pSpacing[1] = 0.2960;
> 	pSpacing[2] = 0.2960;
> 	Projections->SetSpacing(pSpacing);
> 	imageType::PointType pOrigin;
> 	pOrigin[0] = -212.972;
> 	pOrigin[1] = -212.972;
> 	pOrigin[2] = -212.972; //-158.50;
> 	Projections->SetOrigin(pOrigin);
> 	Projections->Update();
>      //Read angles.
> 	char  *angles_file = "D:/CBCT/CIRS_1204020_25022016153227/angle.txt";
> 	angles = new float[nProj];
> 	angles = readAngles(angles_file, angles);
> #pragma region"Geometry"
> 	// Geometry object
> 	typedef rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry GeometryType;
> 	GeometryType::Pointer geometry = GeometryType::New();
> 	for (unsigned int noProj = 0; noProj < nProj; noProj++)
> 	{
> 		geometry->AddProjection(1000.0, 1500.0, angles[noProj], 15.0, 10, 0, 0); // 136 half fan //2.07 Kidwai //
> 	}
> 	typedef rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileWriter GeometryWriterType;
> 	GeometryWriterType::Pointer geometryWriter = GeometryWriterType::New();
> 	geometryWriter->SetFilename("D:\\geo.xml");
> 	geometryWriter->SetObject(geometry);
> 	geometryWriter->WriteFile();
> 	geometry->Update();
> #pragma endregion "Geometry"
> //Define output image type
> #ifdef USE_CUDA
> 		typedef itk::CudaImage< OutpixelType, dimension > OutPutImageType;
> 		typedef rtk::ParkerShortScanImageFilter< OutPutImageType > PSSFType;
> 		typedef rtk::CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter FDKType;
> #else
> 		typedef itk::Image<OutpixelType, dimension> OutPutImageType;
> 		typedef rtk::ParkerShortScanImageFilter<OutPutImageType > PSSFType;
> 		typedef rtk::FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter<OutPutImageType> FDKType;
> #endif
> 	//ScatterCorrection
> 	typedef rtk::BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilter<imageType, imageType > BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilterType;
> 	BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilterType::Pointer ScatterCorrection = BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilterType::New();
> 	ScatterCorrection->SetInput(Projections);
> 	//VarianObiRawImageFilter
> 	typedef rtk::VarianObiRawImageFilter< imageType, OutPutImageType > RawImageFilterType;
> 	RawImageFilterType::Pointer AttenuationFilter = RawImageFilterType::New();
> 	AttenuationFilter->SetInput(ScatterCorrection->GetOutput());
>      //Create the output image
> 	typedef rtk::ConstantImageSource< OutPutImageType > ConstantImageSourceType;
> 	ConstantImageSourceType::PointType origin_p;
> 	ConstantImageSourceType::SizeType size_p;
> 	ConstantImageSourceType::SpacingType spacing_p;
> 	ConstantImageSourceType::Pointer projectionsSource = ConstantImageSourceType::New();
> 	origin_p[0] = -127.5;
> 	origin_p[1] = -127.5;
> 	origin_p[2] = -127.5;
> 	size_p[0] = 512;
> 	size_p[1] = 512;
> 	size_p[2] = 512;
> 	spacing_p[0] = (origin_p[0] / size_p[0]) * 2 * (-1);
> 	spacing_p[1] = (origin_p[1] / size_p[1]) * 2 * (-1);
> 	spacing_p[2] = (origin_p[2] / size_p[2]) * 2 * (-1);
> 	projectionsSource->SetOrigin(origin_p);
> 	projectionsSource->SetSpacing(spacing_p);
> 	projectionsSource->SetSize(size_p);
> 	projectionsSource->SetConstant(0);
>      // Short scan image filter
> 	PSSFType::Pointer pssf = PSSFType::New();
> 	pssf->SetInput(AttenuationFilter->GetOutput());
> 	pssf->SetGeometry(geometry);
> 	pssf->InPlaceOff();
> 	std::cout << "short scan image filter success" << std::endl;
> 	FDKType::Pointer feldkamp = FDKType::New();
> 	feldkamp->SetInput(0, projectionsSource->GetOutput());
> 	feldkamp->SetInput(1, pssf->GetOutput());
> 	feldkamp->SetGeometry(geometry);
> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetTruncationCorrection(1.0);
> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetHannCutFrequency(5.0);
> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetHannCutFrequencyY(5.0);
> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetCosineCutFrequency(5.0);
> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetHammingFrequency(5.0);
> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetRamLakCutFrequency(5.0);
> 	feldkamp->SetGPUEnabled(1);
> 	feldkamp->SetNumberOfThreads(10000);
> #pragma region "Write volume"
>      //Create a raw io for writing
> 	itk::RawImageIO<float, dimension>::Pointer io;
> 	io = itk::RawImageIO<float, dimension>::New();
> 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
> 	{
> 		io->SetDimensions(i, size_p[i]);
> 		io->SetSpacing(i, spacing_p[i]);
> 		io->SetOrigin(i, origin_p[i]);
> 	}
> 	io->SetHeaderSize(0);
> 	io->SetByteOrderToLittleEndian();
> 	io->SetPixelType(itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR);
> 	io->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
> 	io->SetNumberOfDimensions(3);
>      //create a writer and write reconstructed file
> 	itk::ImageFileWriter<OutPutImageType>::Pointer writer;
> 	writer = itk::ImageFileWriter<OutPutImageType>::New();
> 	writer->SetFileName("D:\\Output.raw");
> 	writer->SetImageIO(io);
> 	writer->SetInput(feldkamp->GetOutput());
> 	try
> 	{
> 		writer->Update();
> 	}
> 	catch (itk::ExceptionObject & excp)
> 	{
> 		std::cerr << "Error while writing the image " << std::endl;
> 		std::cerr << excp << std::endl;
> 		getchar();
> 	}
> #pragma endregion "WriteVolume"
> 	delete[] angles;
> 	return 0;
> 	}
> Thanks & Regards
> Zahid Hasan Ansari
> Senior Design Engineer
> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area, Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
> Bangalore - India.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon Rit [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>> Dear Zahid,
>> I was able to perform a reconstruction from your header and geometry
>> file, using the following command lines:
>> rtkprojectshepploganphantom -o simulatedprojections.mha -g geo.xml
>> --phantomscale "128,128,128" --like Output.mhd
>> rtkfdk -p . -r simulatedprojections.mha -g geo.xml -o fdk.mha --hardware
>> cuda --dimension 1024 --spacing 0.25 --lowmem --divisions 4
>> The first computes projections through a Shepp & Logan phantom, with the
>> same size, spacing, origin, etc... as your projections, using your
>> geometry file geo.xml.
>> The second line performs the FDK reconstruction. I had to use both the
>> "--lowmem" and the "--divisions 4" since I have little GPU memory (3GB,
>> on a Geforce GTX 780). "--lowmem" loads the projections into memory by
>> subsets of 16. "--divisions 4" cuts the reconstructed volume into 4
>> parts, reconstructs them one by one, then assembles the results. Can you
>> run the same commands and let us know whether you still encounter the
>> crash you mentioned ? If it works, you can use your own projection data
>> in the second command line instead of "simulatedprojections.mha".
>> Best,
>> Cyril
>> On 10/25/2016 01:13 PM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>> Dear Sir,
>>>           Please find the Header file in the attachment.
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon Rit
>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>> We do not need the projections file, at least not for a first stage of
>>>> error tracking. We only need the header.
>>>> Try the following command line:
>>>> rtkprojections -p . -r yourProjectionsFileName -o proj.mhd
>>>> It should write a "proj.mhd" and a "proj.raw". The "proj.mhd" file is
>>>> what we need, and it is a very light text file. The "proj.raw" contains
>>>> the pixel values, but at the moment we do not need them. We will create
>>>> our own proj.raw file, filled with zeros, which should be enough to
>>>> track down the error you encounter.
>>>> Looking forward to receiving your file,
>>>> Cyril
>>>> On 10/25/2016 09:22 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>> Dear Sir,
>>>>>              The single raw file of the projections is 1.4 GB and we are
>> not
>>>> able to send this big file to you. Can you please suggest other
>> alternatives
>>>> for this?
>>>>>              Or can you provide us the PC configuration to solve the
>> issue?
>>>>>              Let me know if any other clarification is required.
>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon
>> Rit
>>>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>> Hello Zahid,
>>>>>> We will need the header of your projections file, too (It is best if
>> you
>>>>>> have all your projections as a single .mhd and a single .raw file, so
>> it
>>>>>> should be 3-D image, and you send only the .mhd file).
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Cyril
>>>>>> On 10/19/2016 03:18 PM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Cyril Mory,
>>>>>>>                    I have only used RTK version 1.3.0. but in the error
>>>>>> message it is showing RTK version 1.2.0.
>>>>>>>                    Please find the attachment of the geometry file of
>> our
>>>>>> projections.
>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon
>>>> Rit
>>>>>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>>>>>> Without some more information, it's unlikely that we find the source
>> of
>>>>>>>> the problem. Here are a few things you can do to help us (and
>> therefore
>>>>>>>> yourself):
>>>>>>>> - try version 1.3.0 of RTK: there have been considerable changes in
>> the
>>>>>>>> Cuda forward and back projection filters since v1.2.0, so your
>> problem
>>>>>>>> might disappear just by upgrading to the new version
>>>>>>>> - create a small example that reproduces your problem. You can, for
>>>>>>>> example, simulate a geometry, simulate projections of a shepp logan
>>>>>>>> phantom, and reconstruct from these projections (take a look at
>>>>>>>> http://wiki.openrtk.org/index.php/RTK/Scripts/FDK if you need an
>>>>>>>> example). And send us the script
>>>>>>>> - OR send us your geometry file and the header of your projections
>> file
>>>>>>>> (no need to send the projection data itself, we'll create a
>> zero-filled
>>>>>>>> stack of projections), and the command line that crashes
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Cyril
>>>>>>>> On 10/17/2016 02:27 PM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Simon Rit,
>>>>>>>>>                    Please find the screen shot in the attachment.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>>>> Senior Design Engineer
>>>>>>>>> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
>>>>>>>>> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>>>> Phase
>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>> Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url :
>>>>>>>> http://www.panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>> Bangalore - India.
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: Simon Rit [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com]
>>>>>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com
>>>> [mailto:rtk-users at public.kitware.com],
>>>>>>>> saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>>>>>>>> There is no screenshot so I'm guessing that the problem is a CUDA
>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>>> error. If you use the command line tool rtkfdk, you should first
>> make
>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>> that you use the --lowmem option to stream the projection images.
>> If
>>>> it
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> no sufficient, you can split your volume using the --divisions. The
>>>>>>>>>> corresponding C++ code can be found in rtkfdk.cxx.
>>>>>>>>>> Is Panacea Medical using RTK? We are happy to advertise the use of
>>>> RTK
>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>> our case studies webpage
>>>>>>>> <http://openrtk.org/RTK/project/casestudies.html>.
>>>>>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari <
>>>>>>>>>> zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Sir\Madam,
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     I am unable to do 1024x1024x1024
>> reconstruction
>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>> RTK
>>>>>>>>>>>> CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter. Please check the screen
>> shoot
>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> same.
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     I am using the following items given below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     1. RTK - RTK version 1.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     2. ITK - ITK version 4.7
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     3. Visual Studio 2013 win 64-bit console
>>>> application
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     4. GeForce GTX TITAN X GPU.
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     5. CUDA 7.
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     6. CMake version 3.4.3.
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     7. Windows 7 64-bit OS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     Please provide the solution of this and let me
>>>> know
>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>> other clarification is required.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Design Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
>>>>>>>>>>>> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>>>>>> Phase
>>>>>>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>>>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url :
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> Bangalore - India.
>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>>>>>> Phase
>>>>>>>>>>> 1,  Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>>>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>>>>>>>>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
>>>>>>>>>>> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
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>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1,
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> ________________________________________
> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1,  Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area, Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
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