[Rtk-users] rtksubselect

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jun 23 10:01:31 EDT 2016


On my computer, it works but I had to change your regular expression to 
'.*.his' instead of '*.his'. It's a good idea to keep the single quotes 
on the command line to avoid interpretation by the command line interpreter.

If this is not the issue, you can try to add the -v option to check the 
number of projections that is found.


On 23/06/2016 15:48, Christoph Zöllner wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to use rtksubselect to create single geometryfiles for every 
> projection for parallelization purposes. When using the following command:
>     rtksubselect -g geometryfilename.xml --out_proj subsettest.mha
>     --out_geometry subsettestgeom.xml -f 1 -l 2 -p projectionfolder -r
>     *.his
> I get this error:
>     ExceptionObject caught with paste->Update() in file
>     /scratch-local/rauscher/rtk/RTK/applications/rtksubselect/rtksubselect.cxx
>     line 113
>     itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x1818600)
>     Location: "unknown"
>     File:
>     /scratch-local/rauscher/itk/InsightToolkit-4.8.2/Modules/Core/Common/src/itkDataObject.cxx
>     Line: 393
>     Description: Requested region is (at least partially) outside the
>     largest possible region.
>     Invalid requested region error triggered by ProjectionsReader
>     img->GetRequestedRegion() = [ ImageRegion (0x180ea40)
>       Dimension: 3
>       Index: [4, 4, 1]
>       Size: [504, 504, 1]
>      ]
>     img->GetLargestPossibleRegion() = [ ImageRegion (0x180ea08)
>       Dimension: 3
>       Index: [4, 4, 0]
>       Size: [504, 504, 1]
>      ]
> it works for the first file though when using -f 0 -l 1
> regards,
> Christoph
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