[Rtk-users] rtkadmmwavelets ring artifact

Joel Beaudry joelbeaudry at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 14:49:53 EDT 2015

Hi RTK users/developers,

I've been using RTK for CBCT reconstructions and found it to be very
useful, so thanks for all the work done on it!

As for my question,when I use rtkadmmwavelets I get a ring artifact in the
center of the image. I'm using it for 4DCBCT reconstructions, so I'm not
using the full number of projections and not sure if this is a contributing
factor. From reading previous posts I know that the entire object must be
in the reconstruction, and so I have included both the patient and couch in
the reconstruction volume but still get the ring artifact. Has anyone else
encountered this? Any ideas/suggestions?


PS. When trying rtkadmmtotalvariation I don't encounter such issues.
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