[Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud

Matthew J. Riblett riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu
Wed Mar 11 17:40:50 EDT 2015

Hello fellow RTK users,

I was wondering if anyone has a straightforward method of going from the results of the rtkamsterdamshroud and rtkextractshroudsignal applications to a [0,1) phase signal for performing motion-compensated reconstruction.  I’ve been following along with the MC-CBCT Reconstruction example (http://wiki.openrtk.org/index.php/RTK/Examples/MCCBCTReconstruction), and there is an indication that Matlab is used to process the should signal prior to feeding it back into the reconstruction application, but there is no mention of how this is accomplished.  I’m trying to implement this into an automated workflow and I’d love to know how this was accomplished.


— Matt

Matthew J. Riblett
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Physics Graduate Program

Office:  Sanger Hall, Room B1-013
401 College Street   |  P.O. Box 980058
Richmond, Virginia 23298

VCU Email:		    riblettmj at vcu.edu <mailto:riblettmj at vcu.edu>
MCV Office Phone:	    +1.804.628.4858

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