[Rtk-users] RTK

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Sun Feb 1 04:41:03 EST 2015

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Robert Calließ <robert.calliess at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello Simon,
> thank you for the fast reply.
> „Joseph's method samples the ray with one pixel per slice in the main
> direction but it does not compute the intersection of the ray with each
> voxel. Siddon's method does that. In fig 2 of [Xu and Mueller, 2006], Joseph
> is referred to "slice interpolated" and Siddon to "box-line-integrated".
> OK, thanks for that hint. I think it will maybe also has the same problem
> with divergent rays and missing voxels during the reconstruction. Do you
For sure.

> have a link to  a paper or source to this algorithm. So the algorithm may
> work
> As following:
> -          calculate intersection with the physical bounding volume (entry
> exit points)
> -          from entrypoint, determine the 4 voxels that surround this
> entrypoint and bilinear interpolate the value at this position and sum it up
> -          go to next plane (plane that is most “perpendicular” to the
> current center ray (focus to detector center) ?
> -          at the end, the sum is normalized by the ray length ?
> (length(exitpoint – entrypoint))
> Is that right ?
Almost. Maybe I misunderstand your last step but it is actually
multiplied by each step length. Normalization occurs during
backprojection, not during forward projection.

> How can Joseph’s method be used for back projection ?
If you write the method as a system matrix, simply take the transpose
of it. For (S)ART, you will want to divide by the sum of the weights
along one ray which is exactly what you mentionned, the ray length.

> “This sounds very interesting, don't hesitate to share the code and/or the
> publication! BTW, what is DDA”
> DDA stands for digital differential analyzer. I use this approach for a
> voxel-based forward projector. When I started my project I was looking for a
> fast and easy forward projector on voxel basis.
> I found an article about raytracing and acceleration structures where these
> people used this 3d dda. They actually needed it to traverse the bounding
> hierarchy to get to know what geometry
> the ray intersects with. I slightly modified it to get the intersecetion
> length of a ray within a voxel by substraction of the current and previous
> step width. I’v attached a zip file that contains this
> modification and the original source code. The original source code is from
> www.scratchapixel.com and there is also an article about this topic
> (http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-12-introduction-to-acceleration-structures/what-else/).
Great, thanks. We'll have a look. Do you distribute this under a
specific license? In other words, is there a risk that it would
conflict with RTK license? (Apache 2, see website).

> If you have a look at my code you’ll maybe miss some matrix calculation
> stuff etc. I use a scene based approach where I place the focus, object and
> detector in a so called record. Each record represents the scene geometry at
> a certain time, when a projection image was taken.
> Before reconstruction starts I calculate all these positions. I thought this
> could be a good approach to decouple the actuall reconstruction algorithm
> from the scene geometry.
We'll let you know when we look at it if we have questions.

> “But generally we use matching resolution between pixels and voxels so the
> problem is minimal.”
> Do you mean, that you use a volume resolution that fits to the current
> geometry setting and the detector’s pixel resolution ?

> “Thanks for the last trick, I am aware of it (Riddell published it calling
> this "Rectification"), I'm not sure that would change the computation time
> by a large factor but I should check. I think you then need an additional
> interpolation no to resample the "moved" object, no”
> Not almost the same. What I mean seems to be simplier. Lets assume the
> detector has tilted around the x-axis by 0.25 degrees. The object’s center
> is at 0,0,0 and rotation axis is 0,1,0. In FDK you usually got a ray from
> source to the voxel center and then you calculate
> the intersection of this ray at the detector plane. To avoid ray plane
> intersection calculus, we can rotate the whole system by 0.25 degrees. Means
> that the detectors normal now is parallel to the z axis.Of course the
> rotation axis is not 0,1,0 any longer and the focus (xray source)
> also is a bit rotated.
> “For the backprojection, we typically used voxel-based backprojection using
> the center of the voxel which is faster than what you (seem to) use”
> I think here we mixed something up. This type of back projection is used for
> FDK. All my questions were related to S-ART. I need to calculate the weights
> of a voxel for the back projection. To speed it up, I project its vertices
> on the detector plane, calc the MEB and the send rays from within this MEB
> through the
> voxel and caluclate the intersection length so those rays that will make my
> weights.
Some people argue that you can use the same backprojection as in FDK
to speed up computations. See for example

> Best regards,
> Robert
> P.S. Hello to all the other people here in the mailing list.
> Von: simon.rit at gmail.com [mailto:simon.rit at gmail.com] Im Auftrag von Simon
> Rit
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015 20:58
> An: Robert Calließ
> Cc: rtk-users at openrtk.org
> Betreff: Re: RTK
> Hi,
> Thank you for your interest in RTK. Please use the mailing list for
> questions that are of interest to anyone using RTK.
> There are many ways to model the direct problem (forward projection).
> Without going into too many details (available in the publications of each
> method) :
> - "As far as I understand the goal of this approach is to calculate the
> intersection length of a ray through a voxel, right ?" False. Joseph's
> method samples the ray with one pixel per slice in the main direction but it
> does not compute the intersection of the ray with each voxel. Siddon's
> method does that. In fig 2 of [Xu and Mueller, 2006], Joseph is referred to
> "slice interpolated" and Siddon to "box-line-integrated".
> - "I can calculate the intersection length of the ray within a voxel by a
> simple substraction, this runs very fast." This sounds very interesting,
> don't hesitate to share the code and/or the publication! BTW, what is DDA?
> - Small voxels / pixels,  "Did you find a way to handle this ? " We don't
> handle this in RTK except if you consider that spatial regularisation (e.g.,
> total variation) will overcome this problem in a way. But generally we use
> matching resolution between pixels and voxels so the problem is minimal. For
> the backprojection, we typically used voxel-based backprojection using the
> center of the voxel which is faster than what you (seem to) use. I think
> that if these things are a problem for you, there is a nice solution called
> distance driven (back-)projection (by De Man and Basu). I think it will do
> exactly what you want. I haven't implemented it in RTK (yet).
> Thanks for the last trick, I am aware of it (Riddell published it calling
> this "Rectification"), I'm not sure that would change the computation time
> by a large factor but I should check. I think you then need an additional
> interpolation no to resample the "moved" object, no?
> I hope this helps. Let me know if sg is not clear in my answer!
> Cheers,
> Simon

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