[Rtk-users] rebinning

Cyril Mory cyril.mory at uclouvain.be
Mon Dec 28 11:52:16 EST 2015

Hi again,

Sorry for my answer, I realized that I was wrong and was about to write 
you again about it. Indeed, one can identify groups of parallel rays 
outside the central slice, but their source ends up off the circular 
trajectory by the cone angle, and then it's hard to imagine what to do 
with such data.

Turbell seems to describe a solution to that, and T-FDK's results look 
interesting in his PhD thesis. I only discovered it with your email, so 
I cannot say anything about it. Can you elaborate on the problem you are 
trying to solve and the reasons why you need T-FDK instead of FDK ?


On 12/28/15 14:30, niloufar teyfouri wrote:
> Thanks dear Cyril
> But I have read the grass' paper titled "3D cone-beam CT 
> reconstruction for circular trajectories" and Turbell have explained 
> this method ( T-FDK) in his PhD thesis "Cone-Beam Reconstruction Using 
> Filtered Backprojection" . I want to implement DFR in 3D cbct, so I 
> need rebinning it. Grass have done this in his paper. I would be happy 
> if you say your idea about it.
> Best
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Cyril Mory <cyril.mory at uclouvain.be 
> <mailto:cyril.mory at uclouvain.be>> wrote:
>     Hi Niloufar,
>     There is no such program in RTK, and you won't find it anywhere
>     else. What you are asking for is impossible.
>     In 2D fan-beam, rays can be sorted into groups of parallel rays,
>     because they are indeed parallel to each other.
>     In 3D cone beam along a circular trajectory, the rays outside the
>     central slice cannot be sorted into groups of parallel rays : they
>     just aren't parallel.
>     Hope that helps.
>     PS : The more I think about it, the more I think there must be
>     some connection between the possibility of re-binning to parallel
>     projections and Tuy's data sufficiency condition. If someone has a
>     clear understanding of this area, I'm curious about it.
>     On 12/18/2015 08:43 PM, niloufar teyfouri wrote:
>>     Hi Dear RTK users
>>     Do you know a program in RTK for rebinning the 3D circular cone
>>     beam ct projections on the flat panel detector to parallel beam
>>     projections?
>>     I would be appreciate, If you could help me.
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> -- 
> *Niloufar.Teyfouri,
> PhD candidate of biomedical engineering,
> **Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,*Isfahan, 
> Iran*.****<http://misp.mui.ac.ir/>**
> email:bioniloofar at yahoo.com <mailto:bioniloofar at yahoo.com>*
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