[Rtk-users] Fwd: rtkfourdfdk

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Mon Dec 7 03:54:08 EST 2015

Hi Guillaume,
I think this issue has been fixed with this commit:
Are you using a version that is older? If yes, maybe try to update RTK.
Thanks for the report,

On 07/12/2015 09:43, Guillaume Landry wrote:
> Good morning Simon,
> I sent this mail to the rtk list but its currently held due to the 
> size of the screenshots. Anyway I was wondering what you thought was 
> the issue. If you prefer to wait for the mailing list no worries.
> Thanks
> Guillaume
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: 	rtkfourdfdk
> Date: 	Sun, 6 Dec 2015 15:53:58 +0100
> From: 	Guillaume Landry <g.landry at physik.uni-muenchen.de>
> Reply-To: 	Christopher Kurz <christopher.kurz at physik.uni-muenchen.de>
> To: 	rtk-users at public.kitware.com
> Dear users, developers,
> I am exploring the 4D functionality of rtk and was experimenting with
> rtkfourdfdk as starting point, using a 1 minute scan of the CIRS moving
> phantom. I used the attached phase signal along with the settings I
> normally use with rtkfdk (so far those worked fine in 3D, see below for
> the command used).
> I tried the default 10 phase bin reconstruction and I obtain a
> corresponding image. The issue I observe is that when I open the data in
> my viewer (vv in this case) for each phase bin the reconstructed images
> have difference "initial angle", in other words rotated with respect to
> each other (see snapshots). The rotation increases with bin# up to the
> 8th bin (numbered 7 in snapshots), for the 9th bin the angle "resets" to
> a lower value and the trend continues for the few remaining bins. This
> seems somewhat related to the phase per projection (the phase wraps
> after the 7th projection).
> rtkfourdfdk --geometry geometry.xml --path path --regexp
> ''projections.mha'' --output CBCT_4D.mha --verbose --spacing 1,1,1
> --hann 5.0 --hannY 5.0 --pad 0.2 --hardware cuda --dimension 410,264,410
> --origin -205,-131,-205 --signal phase.txt
> Any guidance on this topic would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Guillaume
> -- 
> Dr. Guillaume Landry
> Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich
> Medical Physics
> Am Coulombwall 1
> 85748 Garching
> Tel:+49 (0) 89 289-14077
> Fax:+49 (0) 89 289-14072

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