[Rtk-users] Short scan reconstruction problem - real projection images from Elekta XVI

Rune Slot Thing Rune.Slot.Thing at rsyd.dk
Wed Sep 10 04:39:05 EDT 2014

Hi Simon,

I asked our IT-guy to recompile the new commit, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. Here is what he writes:

I've downloaded the master from git today and compiled in the VS 2008 pro 64bit on Win7 with itk 4.3.0 and fftw.

The new fix does not compile because of issues on line 92-99 in rtkParkerShortScanImageFilter.txx

error C2678: binary '==' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::const_iterator' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

and on line 73

error C2923: 'itk::Vector' : 'rtk::DaubechiesWaveletsConvolutionImageFilter<TImage>::Pass' is not a valid template type argument for parameter 'T'   f:\programmering\cxx\lib\rtk\master-2014-09-10\code\rtkDaubechiesWaveletsConvolutionImageFilter.h                          73                        rtkadmmwavelets

Is it a typo with to identical lines (LINE 93 = 94)?

Thanks again for your prompt help.

Best regards,

Rune Slot Thing
PhD Student
Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark
Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Odense University Hospital
rune.slot.thing at rsyd.dk<mailto:rune.slot.thing at rsyd.dk>

Fra: simon.rit at gmail.com [mailto:simon.rit at gmail.com] På vegne af Simon Rit
Sendt: 9. september 2014 14:41
Til: Rune Slot Thing
Cc: Yang Kyun Park; rtk-users at public.kitware.com
Emne: Re: [Rtk-users] Short scan reconstruction problem - real projection images from Elekta XVI

Thank you Rune, this was very helpful. The pattern is that several projections have the same gantry angle on one side of the gantry angle gap. Something that happens with Elekta Synergy... I think that the bug has been fixed:

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Rune Slot Thing <Rune.Slot.Thing at rsyd.dk<mailto:Rune.Slot.Thing at rsyd.dk>> wrote:
Hi all,

We have experienced the same problem as YangKyun in our institution. Find attached a screendump of a short scan, and the ElektaGeometry file. We are reconstructing on CPU using RTK 1.0.0, and have encountered the strange behavior a couple of times without being able to find any patterns. Our images are 512x512 pixels of 0.8 mm pitch, and acquired in a 200 degree scan with the S20 filter on an Elekta XVI machine.

Hope this helps in tracking down the problem.

Best regards,

Rune Slot Thing
PhD Student
Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark
Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Odense University Hospital
rune.slot.thing at rsyd.dk<mailto:rune.slot.thing at rsyd.dk>

Fra: Rtk-users [mailto:rtk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com<mailto:rtk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com>] På vegne af Simon Rit
Sendt: 9. september 2014 07:24
Til: Yang Kyun Park
Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com<mailto:rtk-users at public.kitware.com>
Emne: Re: [Rtk-users] Short scan reconstruction problem - real projection images from Elekta XVI

Everything looks correct in what you did. What version of RTK did you use?
It looks like a bug in the angular weighting of the projections coming from the discretization of the integral on the gantry angle. Could you send us a copy of ElektaGeometry.xml and tell us what was the dimension of the projections? We will look into it.
Thanks for the report,

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:22 AM, Yang Kyun Park <theday79 at gmail.com<mailto:theday79 at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

I’ve been using RTK for a year and I appreciate for all the efforts being made by the developers.

Even though I haven’t had any problem with full scan images (360 degree scan), I found that rtkfdk doesn’t work well with my short scan images obtained from our Elekta XVI system.

I’ve used a command line such as:
--geometry ElektaGeometry.xml --path his_file_dir --regexp ".*.his" --output rtkfdk_short_scan.mha --spacing 0.5,0.5,0.5 --dimension 512,200,512 --origin -127.9,29.5,-127.9 --hardware cuda

The reconstructed image looked very weird, like a distorted 3D volume with very noisy patterns (as attached).

Note that I didn’t change anything in the rtkfdk code and I believe that the software is automatically recognize the short scan when it is loading the geometry file(xml). (Please correct me if I was wrong.)

Thank you for your help in advance.


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