[Rtk-users] Can RTK be built with CUDA 6.5 and VS2013?

Sébastien Brousmiche sebastien.brousmiche at uclouvain.be
Thu Oct 9 03:28:34 EDT 2014



I’m using VS2013 with CUDA 6.5.


Apart from the fact that you indeed have to remove the line “-gencode arch=compute_10,code=sm_10” in the FindCuda_wrap.cmake, everything works fine.


I also had to upgrade the drivers (to 340.62) to get the 6.5 supports but I’m not sure it applies to you. I’ve a Tesla card with 1.2 compute capability.


Have you tried running the examples coming with the cuda toolkit?


As you mentioned and as specified in the 6.5 release note, 1.x gpu won’t be supported anymore starting CUDA 7.x.





From: Rtk-users [mailto:rtk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com] On Behalf Of Simon Rit
Sent: jeudi 9 octobre 2014 08:35
To: M Miller
Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com
Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Can RTK be built with CUDA 6.5 and VS2013?


I haven't tried this combination, not even each one separately. But this is odd that CudaFDKBackprojectionImageFilter fails and CudaBackProjectionImageFilter succeeds, it's almost the same code. Can you check if the error is not somewhere else by putting the CUDA_CHECK_ERROR at the beginning of the function? (line 193). If you can't find the error, I would suggest to send a set of command line that produces the error, similar to what we use in our wiki examples (here <http://wiki.openrtk.org/index.php/Main_Page#Script_1_-_FDK>  for example).

Thanks for the report,



On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:24 PM, M Miller via Rtk-users <rtk-users at public.kitware.com> wrote:

Can RTK be built with CUDA 6.5 and VS2013?

(Using RTK source downloaded 10.7.14)
CUDA 6.5 has obseleted sm_10 and deprecated sm_11, sm_12, and sm_13.
To build rtkcuda the parameter "-gencode arch=compute_10,code=sm_10" must be removed from FindCUDA_wrap.cmake (line 56). The next version of CUDA will probably require the other -gencode lines to be modified.

Calling rtkbackprojections with bp=CudaFDKBackProjection crashes in "CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam". Inserting a CUDA_CHECK_ERROR after the "cudaMemcpyToArray" (about line 203) provides the description "itk::ERROR: CUDA ERROR: invalid argument".
Other modes including bp=CudaBackProjection work fine under the same conditions.

Which versions of CUDA are supported by RTK?

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