[Rtk-users] Can RTK be built with CUDA 6.5 and VS2013?

M Miller croow at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 17:24:33 EDT 2014

Can RTK be built with CUDA 6.5 and VS2013?

(Using RTK source downloaded 10.7.14)
CUDA 6.5 has obseleted sm_10 and deprecated sm_11, sm_12, and sm_13.
To build rtkcuda the parameter "-gencode arch=compute_10,code=sm_10" must be removed from FindCUDA_wrap.cmake (line 56). The next version of CUDA will probably require the other -gencode lines to be modified.

Calling rtkbackprojections with bp=CudaFDKBackProjection crashes in "CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam". Inserting a CUDA_CHECK_ERROR after the "cudaMemcpyToArray" (about line 203) provides the description "itk::ERROR: CUDA ERROR: invalid argument".
Other modes including bp=CudaBackProjection work fine under the same conditions.

Which versions of CUDA are supported by RTK?


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