[Rtk-users] Correction for detector in-plane rotation?

Chao Wu wuchao04 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 08:26:18 EST 2014


First thanks for the hard work on this nice toolkit.

I am working on FDK reconstruction.
I noticed that the InPlaneRotation seems not to be handled in some
situations, such as in the DisplacedDetectorImageFilter, which is
explicitly stated in the document.
Furthermore, when I went through the FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter, there
seems to be no correction for the in-plane rotation to the projection
images before they are send to the FFTRampImageFilter. Thus the filtering
seems to be performed along the rows of the projection image but not the
true horizontal direction of the projection.
Did I miss anything around here? In which steps and to which extent the
in-plane rotation has been taken into account?

Best regards,

TUDelft, NL
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