#[jgreen@sn-fey2 dev-builds]$ cat /usr/projects/hpcsoft/pvsc/1.0-RC1/libexec/scripts/dev-builds/SRC/paraview-superbuild/cmake/sites/LANL-toss3-osmesa.cmake # Tarballs needing to be downloaded: # boost # ffmpeg # matplotlib # numpy # osmesa # paraview # python # visitbridge # General build settings set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "") set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON CACHE BOOL "") # Enable the appropriate packages set(ENABLE_boost ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_cgns ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_expat ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_ffmpeg ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_freetype ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_genericio ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_hdf5 ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_libxml2 ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_llvm ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_matplotlib ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_mpi ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_netcdf ON CACHE BOOL "") # compile failed on LS set(ENABLE_numpy ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_osmesa ON CACHE BOOL "") #set(ENABLE_ospray ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_paraview ON CACHE BOOL "") #set(ENABLE_paraviewsdk ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_png ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_python ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_silo ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_visitbridge ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_zlib ON CACHE BOOL "") # Additions to facilitate 5.5.0-RC2 installations set(PARAVIEW_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGUMENTS "-DVTK_USE_SYSTEM_JPEG:BOOL=ON;-DVTK_USE_SYSTEM_LZMA:BOOL=ON;-DVTK_USE_SYSTEM_TIFF:BOOL=ON" CACHE STRING "") # These will get pulled from the compute node's userland set(USE_SYSTEM_bzip2 ON CACHE BOOL "") #set(USE_SYSTEM_expat ON CACHE BOOL "") # wrong version on LS set(USE_SYSTEM_freetype ON CACHE BOOL "") #set(USE_SYSTEM_hdf5 ON CACHE BOOL "") # wrong version for netCDF set(USE_SYSTEM_libxml2 ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_SYSTEM_llvm ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_SYSTEM_mpi ON CACHE BOOL "") #set(USE_SYSTEM_netcdf ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_SYSTEM_numpy ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_SYSTEM_osmesa ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_SYSTEM_png ON CACHE BOOL "") #set(USE_SYSTEM_python ON CACHE BOOL "") # wrong version on LS set(USE_SYSTEM_zlib ON CACHE BOOL "") # Enable all architectures for OSPray and Mesa set(ospray_BUILD_ISA ALL CACHE STRING "") set(mesa_SWR_ARCH "avx,avx2,knl,skx" CACHE STRING "") # Specify where the necessary tarballs have been downloaded to set(superbuild_download_location /usr/projects/pv_dev/PV_superbuild_downloads CACHE STRING "") # Specify how to tar up the goods for installation set(SUPERBUILD_DEFAULT_INSTALL "paraview/ZIP" CACHE STRING "")