<div dir="ltr"><p>I have a dataset with discontinuous displacements across a few
surfaces (so far I am working in 2D, so these would be lines, 1D).
It is input as a PVDReader (just in case it makes any difference here, which I doubt).</p>
<p><strong>Is there any way to programmatically create a new Source with the displacement jumps along those lines?
Note that this new field would probably have to be defined on a domain with a lower dimension, see above.</strong></p>
<p>So far, I created filters PlotOverLine, on lines slightly below and slightly above the prescribed line.
But I do not know how to subtract the two and place them in a single field over the line.</p><br><p><strong>Mathematical description of an example</strong>:</p>
<p>Discontinuous field: u(x,y)</p>
<p>Domain of discontinuity: x axis, y=0</p>
<p>Value of the field on one side of the domain of discontinuity: u(x+,0)</p>
<p>Value of the field on the other side of the domain of discontinuity: u(x-,0)</p>
<p>Jump in the field: d(x) = u(x+,0) - u(x-,0)</p>
<p>The field u is defined on a 2D domain. The field d is defined on a 1D domain (x axis).</p><br><br></div>