[Paraview] Colormap cut planes and contour filter in an unstructured grid

Franco Di Rino fdiri at hotmail.com
Wed May 23 11:08:36 EDT 2018


Thank you very much, all your anwers have been very clear.


De: Favre Jean <jfavre at cscs.ch>
Enviado: miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018 03:19 a.m.
Para: Franco Di Rino; paraview at public.kitware.com
Asunto: RE: Colormap cut planes and contour filter in an unstructured grid


You can probably generate a grid of cells using the Delaunay3D filter. (See another thread on the topic in the last 24 hours). You will get a grid of tetrahedra. Your field data (scalars or vectors) will remain attached to the vertices. You can use the 'Point Data to Cell Data' filter if you want to average data at the cells' centers.

once you have a 3D grid, you can slice and isosurface it and ParaView will give you the option to color the data using either the magnitude of your vector field (the default), or any of its independent component.

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