[Paraview] Texture images paths not handled correctly with Search Files under Specified Directory

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed May 23 09:23:29 EDT 2018


You script to load the textures is indeed fine. The issue with with the
state loading implementation. There indeed is a bug where it doesn't handle
texture sources.

I've reported an issue here:

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 5:00 AM <postgurke at web.de> wrote:

> Hello

> I have a problem with texture images in my state file when using the
option "Search Files under Specified Directory" in the Load State dialog.
It seems that ParaView changes all paths in the state file to the specified
directory except for those of the images. Probably this has to do with the
way I import the images to the texture planes: to be able to keep the
texture images saved in a state file, I do the following:

> rv1=GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
> profile=XMLPolyDataReader(FileName=['C:\\myproject\\Profile.vtp'])
> pathToTextureImage='C:\\myproject\\Image.jpg'
> Display=Show(profile, view=rv1)
> Display=GetDisplayProperties(profile)
> Display.SetRepresentationType('Surface')
> texProxy = servermanager.CreateProxy('textures','ImageTexture')
> texProxy.GetProperty('FileName').SetElement(0, pathToTextureImage)
> texProxy.UpdateVTKObjects()
> servermanager.Register(texProxy, registrationName='Profile_with_image')
> profile.UpdateVTKObjects()

> Maybe this is not the way to go anymore with PV 5.5? The "Search Files
under Specified Directory" is very handy for sharing PV states, so if
anyone could tell me what I should do in order to have the texture images
handled correctly, I would be very grateful.

> Cheers,
> Venke
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