[Paraview] Delaunay3D

Weiguang Guan guanw at rhpcs.mcmaster.ca
Tue May 22 15:05:15 EDT 2018

Dear Paraview users,

Based on the documentation, Delaunay3D will construct a 3D Delaunay 
triangulation from a list of input points if alpha=0. But I did an 
experiment that gave a different result. Here are the steps:
(1) Sources->Point source, and set Number of points to N (I experiment 
with different N=5 and N=20)
(2) Using sphere glyph to display these points
(3) Apply filter "Delaunay 3D" to the points with alpha=0 and display 
the resultant unstructured grid as wireframe.

When N=20, I can see some of the points are ignored in the process of 
Delauney triangulation.
When N=5, The resultant unstructured grid has 3 cells while I think it 
should have only 2 tetrahedra.

Can someone explain it? Thanks a lot.


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