[Paraview] Parallel ParaView linux package usage

Léo Pessanha leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com
Fri May 18 09:29:12 EDT 2018


By doing that I can only use 2 processes. Using 3 or more my workstation
freezes trying to open the OpenGL contexts.

But I don't know if this happens only for me.

Em sex, 18 de mai de 2018 10:26, Utkarsh Ayachit <
utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> escreveu:

> Leo,
> With 5.2, use the mpiexec under the `lib/paraview-5.2` instead of the one
> under `bin`.
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 5:07 PM Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com
> >
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Just finished downloading ParaView version 5.2 in Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
> > Tried to run in parallel by doing:
> > cd paraviewFolder/bin
> > ./mpiexec -n 2 ./pvserver
> > No sucess.
> >> ./mpiexec: error while loading shared libraries: libmpl.so.1: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> > After doing some research I added the paraview/lib folder to my
> > export
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/pv52/lib/paraview-5.2:/opt/pv52/lib/
> > cd paraviewFolder/bin
> > ./mpiexec -n 2 ./pvserver
> > No sucess.
> >> [mpiexec at leognome] HYDU_create_process (./utils/launch/launch.c:69):
> execvp error on file /home/leo/paraview/pv52/bin/./hydra_pmi_proxy (No such
> file or directory)
> >> [mpiexec at leognome] HYD_pmcd_pmiserv_proxy_init_cb
> (./pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_cb.c:520): assert (!closed) failed
> >> [mpiexec at leognome] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event
> (./tools/demux/demux_poll.c:77): callback returned error status
> >> [mpiexec at leognome] HYD_pmci_wait_for_completion
> (./pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_pmci.c:181): error waiting for event
> >> [mpiexec at leognome] main (./ui/mpich/mpiexec.c:405): process manager
> error waiting for completion
> > Finally I entered the folder paraviewFolder/lib/paraview-5.2  to dig the
> problem and found there are another set of
> executables(paraview/pvserver/pvpython/etc) there.
> > cd paraviewFolder/lib/paraview-5.2
> > ./mpiexec -n 2 ./pvserver
> > Sucessful run.
> > ##################################################################
> > Then I went to ParaView download page and downloaded the latest version
> 5.5
> > In the 5.5 package I did:
> > cd paraviewFolder/bin
> > ./mpiexec -n 2 ./pvserver
> > Sucessful run.
> > My question is, what happened? Was it supposed to happen? There was
> structural directories changes?
> > Leonardo Pessanha
> > Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering
> > Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE
> > Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
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