[Paraview] Catalyst session makes ParaView time-unaware

iusadhfoias sidufasipudf asduifhssauidf at gmail.com
Tue May 15 13:13:12 EDT 2018

 Can somebody explain this problem:

When I connect ParaView to a Catalyst live session (running "cd
Examples/Catalyst/PythonFullExample; pvpython fedriver.py cpscript.py") and
open a "somedata.pvd" file containing a time series, I cannot scroll
through the time steps in the file, because ParaView time is reset to 0 and
no other time steps are available, even if they were available before
establishing the Catalyst connection. The problem remains even after the
Catalyst session has finished and ParaView has disconnected from Catalyst:  the
VCR controls including the  "Time: 0 | 0 ^v" display are disabled (grey).

I am using ParaView 5.5.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux.
In cpscript.py, I have enabled live visualization:
# Enable Live-Visualizaton with ParaView
coprocessor.EnableLiveVisualization(True, 1)

I could understand if ParaView's "time" concept doesn't make sense during a
live visualization. Nonetheless, I'd prefer if the live visualization
forwards its current time to ParaView that should use this time as its
latest timestep. Or ParaView should keep its time steps and let the live
visualization run independent from those time steps.
But in no situation should ParaView keep its time controls disabled even
after it has disconnected from Catalyst.

Can you reproduce this problem? Can it be fixed?

Many thanks,
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