[Paraview] Exodus ii vs Xmdf for Paraview for finite elements post-processing

paul.carrico at free.fr paul.carrico at free.fr
Sat May 5 05:10:19 EDT 2018

Dear All, 

This email is an echo of a previous one where I noticed that for XDMF
format, Node Id and Element one are not explicitely provided (for
performance issue I guess); writing an interface for renumbering
topology (connectivity), datasets and so on is not a problem by itself
(jus more work), but rather the fact that information's are lost
(information's from the solver based on the original mesh for example). 

Thus I'm having a look to Exodus ii format and how I can use y h5 file
(through netCDF I guess and not directly) ... if I'm right it allows
nodes/elements Id's. 

Compared to Xdmf, does somebody want to share his feedback?
(limitations, implementation, performance, parallelisation, and so on) 

Thanks for any help 


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